Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fishikawa Diagrams Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fishikawa Diagrams - Assignment Example Being a manufacturing company running business in the manufacturing industry, the company identified five elements of the cause and effect diagram. Each major component of the Fishikawa diagram had various other root causes enumerated below. First, the team identified materials. In this category, we had the shrinking of materials, poor tensioning of the screens, and applying poor squeeging. The environment comes in as the second of the components on the list. Having ambient heat lets the drier temperatures getting out of control as well as failed organization becoming difficult to spot among the products. The method of executing various processes in the company also entailed issues. The team discovered that the current problem was very clear and everyone knew it is big. The company lacked standard process of addressing any issue because the procedure remained vague with scanty details. Among the known problems, the trying temperatures remained all-time high and excessive pressure coming from the squeeze. Lack of standard process constitutes inadequate details on the procedure, too much concentration on inspection raising questions on its fitness, and having machines in the production sector running at a high speed. Deficiencies emanating from the work force include failing to empower the employees to own the production and the business through motivation, allocation of authority, and other ways of increasing commitment. Additional problems from people are questions of resources, increased tension among staffs to deal with all assigned duties, and insufficient appropriate skills. The last element among major causes is machines. Every major constituent of the cause and effect diagram had various other root causes enumerated below. First, the team identified materials. In this category, we had the shrinking of materials, poor tensioning of the screens, and applying poor squeeging. The temperatures from the driers remain

Monday, October 28, 2019

The origins of two modern Jewish groups Essay Example for Free

The origins of two modern Jewish groups Essay Q1- Describe the origins of two modern Jewish groups and explain the ways in which they have developed. There are two main Jewish group, reform Jews and Orthodox Jews. In some ways the groups could be seen as opposites but thought this is partly true both groups have their similarities to each other. Orthodox Jews are very strict when it comes to their religions. A colloquial term used by Jews for the word strict is frum. The more frum the Jew is the more strictly he or she keeps to the mitzvots given by God to Abraham. There are many different Jewish groups as well as these including Jews for Jesus. Jewdaism is the personal relationship between god and the Hebrews which was established through Abraham. Abraham is believed by Jews to be the first person to recognise and worship the one god. Moses is also an important figure because he united the Jews as a people when god brought them out of slavery in Egypt. Moses was also the person who was given the Torah (Laws and Teachings) by God on Mt. Sinai. Chassidics are the traditional Jews follow the laws of Judaism very closely, both written and oral. They believe that the laws from god are absolute and unchanging. Orthodox Jews are willing to accept Jewish traditions and practices and realise their importance even if they dont observe them themselves. The major reason that Jews divided into the two main groups, Reform and Chassidism was all to do with the way that Jews were treated in history. In Eastern Europe during the 17th century many thousands of people were living in poverty. Part of the reason for this was because of an uprising when Sweden and Russia invaded Poleland. This caused many thousands of deaths and it effected the economy dramatically. Before the uprising many talented young men had the opportunity to attend the Yeshivot (Talmudic academies) which was where your learned intensively about the Torah. After the uprising, numbers of people that could enter the Yeshivot decreased rapidly because only large town could afford the costs of maintaining such a place. This meant that thousands of Jews could not be educated and it left them feelings if they were second-rate Jews and that god didnt value them. Reform Judaism came about during the time of the French revolution, it was a time when European Jews were recognised as citizens in the countries they lived for the first time. It was a great time for the Jews because for the first time they had the freedom to settle where the pleased, dress as they liked and have occupations they wanted, all the ghettos were being abolished and special badges were no longer worn. It was because of this freedom that many Jews began to live outside Jewish districts and lived like their neighbours, this meant they spoke less Hebrew and more of the language of the land. They also went to public schools and universities and began to neglect Jewish studies. In 1815 after Napoleons defeat Jews lost their rights to citizenship in several countries. It was because of this that may Jews converted to Christianity to retain these rights. Rabbis saw this problem but no matter how hard they tried to convince Jews not to go to public schools and universities it didnt work. Leopold Zunz suggested something different. He tried to get the Synagogue services to change, he wanted them to be spoken in the local language and have local music. However, local Rabbis didnt like this idea and change it back. Was this just proof that they werent prepared to move with the times? Shortly after this Rabbi Abraham Geiger suggested the observances be change to suit modern people. He discovered that Judaism had gradually but steadily changed over the last 2000 years to make Judaism easier to follow for modern people and he decided it was time for some more changes in order to make the religion more attractive to Jews. Between 1810 and 1820 three cities in Germany; Seesen, Hamburg and Berlin made some dramatic changes such as mixed seating in the Synagogue. Many rabbis of reform movements took a rejectionist view on some traditional rituals. For example: * Circumcision was seen to be barbaric and not practiced * The Hebrew language in the liturgy was replaced with German * The hope for restoration of the Jews in Israel was officially renounced. * Bar Mitzvah was replaced with a confirmation ceremony * The laws of Kashrut and family purity were officially declared repugnant. * Shabbat was observed on Sunday * Traditional resurrections on Shabbat behaviour were not followed. Orthodox Jews dont believe in the above changes and see it as compromising. The dont see reform Jews to be Real Jews, infact many dont see them as Jews at all. Q2- Describe the worship and lifestyle of these and explain how this reflects and assists beliefs. Because Chassidic Jews along with all Orthodox Jewish groups see the Torah as being divinely inspired and sacred they follow every word while Reform Jews see it as guidance from god that can be interpreted. Orthodox Jews have very long synagogue services each Sabbath lasting up to _________hours. Reform Jews dont always go to the Synagogue, sometimes they only go on special occasions such as Rosh Hashanah. If they do go on the Sabbath the reform service usually only lasts _______hours. Another difference is what they do on the Sabbath. While Chassidic Jews dont do any of the 39 things considered to be work on the Sabbath, most reform Jews do. They think the laws dont apply to modern Jews. Reform Jews see the Sabbath to be on a Sunday to fit in with the Western way of life. Chassidic Jews try their hardest to follow all the mitzvots and go to a lots of effort in trying. Strict orthodox even by pre-torn toilet paper so they dont have to tear. They will not turn on light switches or even the TV. Reform Jews will. Kosher food is another aspects of Jewdaism in which Chasidic and Reform Jews differ in opinion greatly. Chassidics keep to all the food laws such as no fish with cartilage and no birds of prey as well as how all meat is prepared. Reform Jews however do not keep to these laws. Circumsision was abbolished by reform Jews after being classified as Barbaric. Chassidic Jews however see it as a symbol that connects all Jewish boys to Abraham, the Father of the Jews. Bar Mitzvahs were also changed by Reform Jews replacing it with a confirmation ceremony. Reform Jews do not hope for restoration of the Jews in Israel and it was officially stated that Germany was to be the new Zion. Traditionally all Jews wanted to return to the Promised Land given to them by god. Festivals such as Yom Kippur and Rosh Hishanah are acknowledged by Reform Jews as well Chassidics but are not necessarily taken as seriously especially when it comes to the reasons behind the festivals. A Jewsish marriage is pretty much the same for Orthodox Jews and Chassidic Jews both with being under a Chuppa and the Ketuba. However reform Jews permit divorce while Chassidic forbid it. Q3- Jews should try an overcome the differences between groups and Unite. Do you agree? Include different points of Views. There is an obvious reason why the Orthodox and reform Jews should unite. It would mean they have larger numbers and thy could work together. They could learn things from each other and together they could conquer problems, which they may face. They would also appear more powerful and influential, which means gentiles, would respect their beliefs and traditions more. If compared to Christianity, Catholics have many people all with the same general belief but each with a different degree of observance. If Catholics are able to overcome their differences why wouldnt Jews. On the other hand though, Reform Jews and Orthodox Jews have different beliefs. Orthodox Jews think Reform Jews are compromising and dont want to be associated with this. Chassidic Jews go to a lot of effort to keep to the commandments and mitzvots and think it is unfair that Reform Jews still call themselves Jews when the dont put half as much effort or commitment in. Reform Jews dont see the changes they have made as a compromise, they see it as modernisation. They believe as the people change the religion should change to fit. They interpret things differently. For example, not working on Shabbat, they see this to have its literal meaning, not going off and doing your job. Orthodox Jews see work to be the 30 jobs it took to build up the temple in which they worshipped thousands of years ago before they found there promised lands. This means they dont create fire or anything that could be associated with fire like electricity and many other things. Since the Reform Jews have split from the Orthodox hundreds of years ago they have grown apart and now have their own ways o doing things. If there was wars between the two groups over there differences then obviously there needs to be a change but Judaism is the worlds oldest religion and thy have got along fine for thousands of years. I think if Jews are happy with having separate groups then it is their decision and they should be able to stay this way.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Experience in the Workplace :: Language Communication Essays

Experience in the Workplace During the many years of working in the IT (Information Technologies) field, I have dealt with hundreds of people from all over the world, from as far as Asia, to as close as Detroit, and although all the people I have dealt with can speak English to a certain degree, most have what Amy Tan, writer of â€Å"Mother Tongue† would call â€Å"Broken English†. By this meaning, the words they use are the primary words of a sentence that just barely make the sentence itself understandable. To make matters worse, most of those people I deal with are overseas, so the only way of voice communication is the telephone. Even when speaking with friends just across town that have been brought up the same as I, and speak the same â€Å"tongue† as I, there is problems understanding one another because of the phone devices themselves – sometimes having static in the line, the call just breaking up, and even sometimes calls being dropped in the middle of a thought. Now, you put into account all of these factors, then make a business call to someone overseas who speaks with â€Å"Broken English†, and there is defiantly going to be a bit of frustration, trying to understand one another†¦ This applies to people on both ends of the call! Now, when it comes to matters like this and dealing with business, I must agree with Thomas Bray, writer of â€Å"Memorial Day and Multiculturalism†, when he states â€Å"Bilingual education is a bad idea.† I refer to this meaning, if everyone was taught and brought up speaking one language, then doing business matters overseas over the phone would be much easier, because it would be easier to understand one another, in my opinion. There have even been some instances where after dealing with someone on the phone overseas for quite awhile and not being able to get much accomplished, I’ll ask if there is any chance that I can to speak to someone with better English, kind of like the instance where Amani Ammari, a classmate of mine, had to speak for her mother because her mother only had â€Å"Limited English† as Amani stated in one of our discussions online. To now turn this into a complete opposite direction, I agree with Maxine Hairston, writer of "Diversity, Ideology, and Teaching Writing" and all of her ideas on have classrooms being multicultural.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cell Phones & Classrooms Essay

Cell phones are a relatively recent invention, but they have greatly improved our way of life. School-age children are now starting to get their own phones at earlier times, and with them obtaining their phones, they start to carry their phones everywhere; so therefore, there is a risk of the children using their phones during school. Now, one would think that this is something that should be punished, but in reality, it opens many doors for education and educators. Cell Phones should be allowed in class because of how much of an effect they would have on students, teachers, and school systems. Computers are very costly, and with the introduction of cell phones in the classroom, schools would not have to pay money for new computers. Spotsylvania County Schools are in somewhat of an economic downturn, and if no computers were bought, and students were allowed to use cell phones, then the County’s technology expenses would decrease. Cell phones cost less than computers, and no keyboards or mice need to be bought, saving even more money. Students and parents would pay for their own phones, lifting the burden off of the schools. Money is hard for most people and schools to come by in this day and age, and letting the students have their cell phones in class would allow the school system to spend more money on and fund more useful things, such as teachers and sports teams. Phones are more reasonable to have than large, bulky desktop computers. Desktops are becoming outdated and unnecessary because of how many pieces are necessary to be brought for the whole computer. Phones are just one piece small and light, making them extremely portable, unlike the colossal computers that the schools have. As a cause of this, it would make it easier for students to take their work home and do research, just because of how conveyable and convenient the phones are. With the implementation of phones in the classroom, it would render the desktop useless, saving the schools a large amount of money. Many people think that schools should ban cell phones completely, but that is just not true. What the people don’t understand is that the students can and will use their phones for educational purposes. There are now apps, such as Dropbox, that allow students to sync folders containing documents on their computers to their phones, which is an ultimately successful way to use the phone. People who oppose this also think that the phones wouldn’t be cost effective. If one compares the average price for a computer, around or above $700, and the average price for a smart phone, around $200, they can see that it is actually much more cost effective. No peripherals for the phones need to be purchased either, unlike for the computers. Some people think that cell phones are a bad thing, but when one looks at the effects it has on things, such as saving money and useful resources. Cell phones, at this time, are a very controversial topic, whether being used while driving or in the classroom. Cell phones are much more cost effective than computers. Cell phones are also infinitely more portable than desktop computers. The ability of students being able to have phones would allow them to see new things that change the way they think about life. Cell phones should be allowed in the schools because of the ultimate positive effect that they would have on the educators, students, and the overall school system.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Art on Japanese Art History Essay

How can the artistic medium one chooses to use to express oneself determine whether or not it is truly art? While digital artists’ artistic ability is often questioned and the credit is given to the computer being used, the art itself springs from the mind of the digital artist. I can say this with personal fervor: Digital art is truly in essence a form of art that merely takes advantage of the innovations of modern technology. Digital Art isn’t computer-generated. While it might involve using tools offered by specialized computer programs a computer doesn’t do the thinking for you, and the creative ideas put forth are of the artist’s mind. Digital artist’s only use computer tools to convey their designs, all of the creative credibility should be given to the artist himself. Should the canvas the Mona Lisa was painted on be considered the creator of the masterpiece or rather Leonardo Da Vinci? Painters that stick to canvas are limiting themselves to the paint they use and the cotton woven fibers of their canvas. Why purposely choose to ignore the modern day tools that are given to you and condescendingly look down upon those who choose to utilize them? Over the years, I have spent a lot of my own time experimenting in the depths of digital art. Many times, I have used the computer as a medium for self expression; from creating to pictures on Microsoft paint as a child to experimenting with specialized software such as Adobe Photoshop. I have a deep and passionate love for creating and expressing myself through artwork on the computer. I one day aspire to have a profession in the field of digital art, such as a Graphic Designer. Because of this, I am very offended by the comments I hear from â€Å"traditional artists† that condescend digital art for its use of the computer as the artistic medium. When I hear comments that degrade digital artwork to computer-generated images, as though the computer itself designed the art I feel enraged and cheated. The other day a friend of mine ignorantly explained to me that she could, given the proper software, create her own masterpiece without any prior experience in digital art, as though anyone if given the proper software could instantaneously create masterpieces, when really there is so much more to digital art than computer software or the computer itself. It’s about one’s individual artistic talents. To me that would be the equivalent of saying that if I were given a canvas and a paintbrush I could instantaneously create a masterpiece, which I know is false and ignorant. Art is â€Å"the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others† (Britannica). Digital art is a general term for a range of artistic works and practices that use digital technology as an essential part of the creative and/or presentation process. There are many different employment fields in digital art. A couple of examples are graphic design and web design. Graphic design is the process and art of combining text and graphics and communicating an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual communication. Famous Graphic Designer, Milton Glaser, says â€Å"to design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master. † A graphic designer would meet with his/her clients and discuss the type of visual communication the client is interested in. The client may provide a general idea for the design, but the creative options are left for the designer to decide how to best portray the message of the client. The designer would then either sketch out a design to scan on to the computer for further alterations or go directly to the computer software in order to design the desired product. The designer would then verify with the client for satisfaction of the product. Web Design is the art and process of creating a single Web page or entire Web sites and may involve both the aesthetics and the mechanics of a Web site’s operation although primarily it focuses on the look and feel of the Web site – the design elements. â€Å"To be effective, the interfaces for online information systems must be as rich and flexible as the physical environments they replace. They must not only supply a direct path to reach the users goals, but must be able to accommodate different approaches to the task. This means that the interface design must not only organize the content for easy access, but must incorporate the right combination of technologies and interaction techniques to allow the user to work in their own style† (Quesenbery). A Web Designer would be sought out by a client in need of assistance in designing a website or website layout, usually for advertising and communicative purposes of the client. Like in Graphic design, the client may provide the designer with a general idea or guideline for the product, however, web designers must understand the dynamics of coding and html. Traditional art is understood to include things such as paintings, sculptures, and hand-drawings; basically any art which involves physical activity, usually of the hands. Famous Traditional Artists include: Leonardo DaVinci, Vincent Van Gough, and Andy Warhol. These artists use drawings and paintings as their forms of self expression which led to their innovative masterpieces: the Mona Lisa, Starry Night, and Pop Art, respectively. Traditional artists often look down upon the usage of the computer as the creative medium utilized when expressing oneself in art. Some believe that using a computer negates the creative ability of the artist and is the less credible form of art. Using computers in order to create art is sometimes seen as the easier method involving little artistic ability. â€Å"For artists diving into a new technology, it is a triple short-cut to mastery: you get a free ride on the novelty of the medium; there are no previous masters to surpass; and after a few weeks, you are the master† (Brand). There is a certain type of beauty in a hand-painted piece of art. The same is true for a masterfully drawn illustration. For this there is no substitute. Traditional art is the oldest form of art and could be considered the foundation of art. Many people consider this form of art to require the highest level of skill and creative ability, and that there is no other type of art form that can surpass it. There are a large number of people that believe this form of art is most vital, and that digital art simply shouldn’t be considered art due to the use of technology rather than their hands. Opponents of digital art argue that there is no skill in â€Å"pointing and clicking† on a computer screen. â€Å"I would rather choose the painting of a monkey over anything generated electronically, because I am more fascinated by the direct evidence of a mind at work than I am by the output of machines† (Glenn). Because of this belief, there is a good bit of animosity between the two different sects. Traditional artists feel as if they are protecting art in its truest form, whereas digital artists feel as if they are exposing the world to a newer and more advanced form of art infinitely full of possibilities. While traditional art is the older and more revered art form, that doesn’t mean that digital art is any less of an art. Both art forms require talent, precision, technique, and creativity from the artist. Digital artists are just as legitimate of artists as traditional artists. It is simply ignorant and petty to distinguish digital art as separate from true art in essence. Yes, computers are used as the medium for expression, however, like previously stated, that doesn’t mean that the computer creates the ideas and designs. The designs and creativity come from the artist and the computer is simply another way to release the idea from the artist’s mind, similar to a piece of paper or canvas. Digital art should be just as revered as traditional art because the amount of creativity and artistic ability is equal in both forms.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography of Juan Perón, Argentinas Populist President

Biography of Juan Perà ³n, Argentina's Populist President Juan Domingo Perà ³n (October 8, 1895–July 1, 1974) was an Argentine general who was elected president of Argentina three times: 1946, 1951, and 1973. An extraordinarily skilled politician, he had millions of supporters even during his years of exile, from 1955 to 1973. His policies were mostly populist and tended to favor the working classes, who embraced him and made him the most influential Argentine politician of the 20th century. Eva Evita Duarte de Perà ³n, his second wife, was an important factor in his success and influence. Fast Facts: Juan Perà ³n Known For: Argentine general and presidentBorn: Oct. 8, 1895 in Lobos, Buenos Aires ProvinceParents: Juana Sosa Toledo, Mario Toms Perà ³nDied: July 1, 1974 in Buenos AiresEducation: Graduated from Argentinas National Military CollegeSpouse(s): Aurelia Tizà ³n, Eva (Evita) Duarte, Isabel Martà ­nez Early Life Although he was born near Buenos Aires, he spent much of his youth in the harsh region of Patagonia with his family as his father tried his hand at various occupations, including ranching. At 16, he entered the National Military College and joined the army afterward, deciding to be a career soldier. He served in the infantry as opposed to the cavalry, which was for children of wealthy families. He married his first wife Aurelia Tizà ³n in 1929, but she died in 1937 of uterine cancer. Tour of Europe By the late 1930s, Lt. Col. Perà ³n was an influential officer in the Argentine army. Argentina didnt go to war during Perà ³ns lifetime; all of his promotions came during peacetime, and he owed his rise to his political skills as much as his military abilities. In 1938 he went to Europe as a military observer, visiting Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and other nations. While in Italy, he became a fan of the style and rhetoric of Italys Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, whom he greatly admired. He left Europe just before World War II began and returned to a nation in chaos. Rise to Power: 1941–1946 Political chaos in the 1940s afforded the ambitious and charismatic Perà ³n the opportunity to advance. As a colonel in 1943, he was among the plotters who supported Gen. Edelmiro Farrell’s coup against President Ramà ³n Castillo and was awarded the posts of secretary of war and then secretary of labor. As labor secretary, he made liberal reforms that endeared him to the Argentine working class. From 1944 to 1945 he was vice president of Argentina under Farrell. In October 1945, conservative foes tried to muscle him out, but mass protests led by his new wife Evita Duarte forced the military to restore him to office. Evita Perà ³n had met Eva Duarte, a singer and actress known as Evita, while they were doing relief work for a 1944 earthquake. They married in October  1945. Evita became an invaluable asset during her husbands first two terms in office. Her empathy for and connection with Argentina’s poor and downtrodden were unprecedented. She started important social programs for the poorest Argentines, promoted womens suffrage, and personally handed out cash in the streets to the needy. After her death in 1952, the pope received thousands of letters demanding her elevation to sainthood. First Term as President: 1946–1951 Perà ³n was elected president in February 1946 and was an able administrator during his first term. His goals were increased employment and economic growth, international sovereignty, and social justice. He nationalized banks and railways, centralized the grain industry, and raised worker wages. He put a time limit on daily hours worked and instituted a mandatory Sundays-off policy for most jobs. He paid off foreign debts and built many public buildings, including schools and hospitals. Internationally, he declared a â€Å"third way† between the Cold War powers and managed to have good diplomatic relations with both the United States and the Soviet Union. Second Term: 1951–1955 Perà ³n’s problems began in his second term. Evita passed away in 1952. The economy stagnated and the working class began to lose faith in him. His opposition, mostly conservatives who disapproved of his economic and social policies, became bolder. After attempting to legalize prostitution and divorce, he was excommunicated. When he held a rally to protest the movement against him, opponents in the military launched a coup that included the Argentine Air Force and Navy bombing the Plaza de Mayo, the central square in Buenos Aires, killing almost 400. On Sept. 16, 1955, military leaders seized power in Cordoba and drove Perà ³n out on Sept. 19. Exile: 1955–1973 Perà ³n spent the next 18 years in exile, mainly in Venezuela and Spain. Although the new government made any support of Perà ³n illegal (including even saying his name in public), he maintained great influence over Argentine politics, and candidates he supported frequently won elections. Many politicians came to see him, and he welcomed them all. He managed to convince both liberals and conservatives that he was their best choice, and by 1973,  millions were clamoring for him to return. Return to Power and Death: 1973–1974 In 1973, Hà ©ctor Cmpora, a stand-in for Perà ³n, was elected president. When Perà ³n flew in from Spain on June 20, more than 3 million people thronged the airport to welcome him back. It turned to tragedy, however, when right-wing Peronists opened fire on left-wing Peronists known as Montoneros, killing at least 13. Perà ³n was easily elected when Cmpora stepped down, but right- and left-wing Peronist organizations fought openly for power. Ever the slick politician, he managed to keep a lid on the violence for a time, but he died of a heart attack on July 1, 1974, after only a year back in power. Legacy Its impossible to overstate Perà ³ns legacy in Argentina. In terms of impact, he ranks with leaders such as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. His brand of politics even has its own name: Peronism. Peronism survives today in Argentina as a legitimate political philosophy, incorporating nationalism, international political independence, and a strong government. Cristina Kirchner, who served as president from 2007 to 2015, was a member of the Justicialist Party, an offshoot of Peronism. Like every other political leader, Perà ³n had his ups and downs and left a mixed legacy. On the plus side, some of his accomplishments were impressive: He increased basic rights for workers, vastly improved the infrastructure (particularly in terms of electrical power), and modernized the economy. He was a skillful politician on good terms with both the East and the West during the Cold War. One example of Perà ³ns political skills were his relations with the Jews in Argentina. Perà ³n closed the doors to Jewish immigration during and after World War II. Every now and then, however, he would make a magnanimous public gesture, such as allowing a boatload of Holocaust survivors to enter Argentina. He got good press for these gestures but never changed his policies. He also allowed hundreds of Nazi war criminals to find safe haven in Argentina after World War II, making him one of the only people in the world who managed to stay on good terms with Jews and Nazis at the same time. He had his critics, however. The economy eventually stagnated under his rule, particularly in terms of agriculture. He doubled the size of the state bureaucracy, placing a further strain on the national economy. He had autocratic tendencies and cracked down on opposition from the left or the right if it suited him. During his time in exile, his promises to liberals and conservatives created hopes for his return that he couldnt deliver. He married for the third time in 1961 and made his wife, Isabel Martà ­nez de Perà ³n, his vice president to start his final term, which had disastrous consequences after she assumed the presidency upon his death. Her incompetence encouraged Argentine generals to seize power and kick off the bloodshed and repression of the so-called Dirty War. Sources Alvarez, Garcia, Marcos. Là ­deres polà ­ticos del siglo XX en Amà ©rica Latina Rock, David. Argentina 1516-1987: From Spanish Colonization to Alfonsà ­nJuan Perà ³n Biography. Encyclopedia Brittanica.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The eNotes Blog Paid and Unpaid Internships What Are You Worth,Interns

Paid and Unpaid Internships What Are You Worth,Interns Paid and unpaid internships have been around since the mid 1800s. Back in the day, however, the only such positions would be found in the medical field since  it was the opinion that medical education could best be gleaned by experiential learning- these internships are now called residencies and these doctors actually do get paid. The 1930s are  when the average internship we know and love (and sometimes love to hate) began to form; in 1938, the Fair Standards Labor Act  was passed in the United States, laying out six irrefutable rules for what made an unpaid internship a legal practice: The internship must be similar to training that would be given in an educational environment. The internship must be for the benefit of the intern. The intern does not displace regular, paid employees. The employer derives no immediate advantage from the intern. The intern is not entitled to a job at the end of the internship. The intern understands that he or she is not entitled to wages. Even with the establishment of these (now heavily debatable, depending on the internship in question) ground rules, the real boom of the unpaid internship didnt come about until the 1970s–80s. At that time, there were two key shifts in the workforce: For the first time it seems that employers became truly aware of the benefits of contingent workers (temporary/part-time/unpaid employees). Not only were these employees more easily disposable, but they  also didnt require employers  to provide benefits and it was  nearly impossible for these workers to unionize. The move to the unpaid internship was coupled with the proliferation of  HR  departments that often became solely responsible for the hiring and firing of employees; something about having a specific branch of the company responsible for acquiring workers made it easier to find people willing to do menial work for little to no compensation. Unfortunately, the situation hasnt gotten better. In 1997, the National Association of Colleges and Employers reported that the  percentage of college graduates with an internship was 17%. By  2008, that number had grown to 50%. Predictably, these numbers continued to grow after 2008 with the onslaught of the recession. The dramatic economic downturn led employers to hire  more and more unpaid interns, and an increasing number of new grads and unemployed young professionals became even more likely to accept these positions. Before the recession, approximately one-third of internships were unpaid, as compared to now when a little over half of these jobs come without compensation (The Economist). Most  unpaid jobs  fall into the laps of college students and recent graduates. These individuals are most likely to be part  of the unpaid workforce because they are newbies to the job market needing  experience to start  their resumes. As a result, there are a number of internship programs that offer college credit in place of financial compensation (though recently awareness has been growing about the fact that many unpaid interns eligible for college credit are not even enrolled in school and are receiving nothing for their work). According to Gina Neff, communications professor at the University of Washington, this offer of college credit is really a good deal for schools. For universities, its really cheap moneyThey are getting tuition dollars and not having to spend instructional dollars. (The Economist) Though receiving college credit is better than nothing for the majority of university students, this working for no pay business has its own price. The majority of  students in this country are unable to afford the astronomical prices of higher education and therefore require not only hefty loans but also need to work on the side to afford  necessities (things like food, rent, and utilities). College credit in place of wages ultimately does not lessen college spending, but does consume  irretrievable time that could be spent at even  a minimum wage position to assist with the piling bills. Unpaid internships also pose an enormous burden to recent graduates who no longer receive loans but now must pay them back. Where do employers who dont pay their workers expect this money to come from? Perhaps its a matter of little consequence to said employers, but student loans and their associated interest rates add up to quite a sum  of money, especially for a person working up to forty hours a weekand earning absolutely nothing. Over the past few decades, there has been relatively little stir over the continued exploitation of an unpaid workforce. However, the movement into the 21st century has inspired some interns to take a look at their jobs and question whether or not what they were doing was  legal. In the case of Eric Glatt (former intern of Fox Searchlight during the production of Black Swan), it has been decided that no, in fact,  the tasks he was assigned were the work of an entry-level professional, not the mindless coffee-fetching one often associates with internships of the past; This culture of expecting to be able to get free labor if you slap the title intern on it has become so pervasive that people dont question whether its ethically wrong or legally acceptable. Glatts lawsuit is far from unique in its accusations against a former employer, but there is a great deal of hesitancy from interns about  the prospect of coming forward with their experiences; often, the payouts from these cases (even in the case of a victory) are  relatively small, and especially in the cases of denied claims, the intern loses marketability and risks ostracization from his or her desired field. More often than not, interns of all income levels are expected to perform the tasks of full-time employees but are regarded as  worthy of less or no compensation. Promises of college credit and job experience are empty; college credit costs interns both money and time, and  dangling the carrot of resume fodder is ridiculous- an intern could put a given  work experience on their resume just as easily if he or she were  paid for their labor. The takeaway message: potential interns must decide for themselves whether their time and skill is worthy of pay (note that if a company is willing to  associate their name with your work, then it is certainly worth enough for said company to pay for said work). What do you think? Let us know in the comments below! * is an equal-opportunity employer. Writing as an intern for this company, I will verify that pays its interns a fair wage.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Standard Lesson Plan Format for ESL Teachers

Standard Lesson Plan Format for ESL Teachers Teaching English, like teaching any subject, requires lesson plans. Many books and curricula provide advice on teaching English learning materials. However, most ESL teachers like to mix up their classes by providing their own  lesson plans and activities. Sometimes, teachers are required to create their own lesson plans when teaching ESL or EFL at international institutions that are scattered throughout the world. Develop your own lesson plans and activities by using a basic template. Standard Lesson Plan Format Generally speaking, a lesson plan has four specific parts. These can be repeated throughout the lesson, but its important to follow the outline: Warm-upPresentFocus on specificsUsage in a wider context Warm-Up   Use a warm-up to get the brain thinking in the right direction. The warm-up should include the target grammar/function for the lesson. Here are a few ideas: Ask small talk questions about the weekend for a lesson on the simple past.Discuss a hypothetical situation for a lesson focusing on conditionals.Challenge students to describe others in class when working towards building descriptive vocabulary.   Presentation The presentation focus on  the learning objectives of the lesson. This is the teacher-guided section of the lesson. You might: Explain grammar at the whiteboard.Show a short video to introduce a topic of discussion.Present new vocabulary, making sure to provide lots of  contexts.Present written work for a class discussion of structure. Controlled Practice Controlled practice allows for close observation to gauge whether the learning objectives are understood. Controlled practice activities include:​ Gap-fill exercises on tense conjugation.Complete-the-sentence exercises to encourage specifically-written formulas.Reading and listening comprehension activities.Language function practice on specific activities such as apologizing, negotiating, and thanking. Free Practice Free practice allows students to take control of their own language learning. These activities should encourage students to explore language with activities such as: Class debatesCreating role-plays and acting them out for othersGames focusing on communication skillsEssay writing During the free practice section, take note of common mistakes. Use feedback to help everyone, rather than focus on individual students.   This lesson plan format is popular for many reasons, including: Students have a number of chances to learn a concept through various means.Students have plenty of time to practice.Teachers can give detailed instruction, or students can deduce structures and learning points through practice.The standard lesson plan format provides structure.The lesson provides for variation over the course of 60 to 90 minutes.This lesson plan format moves from teacher-centered to student-centered learning. Variations on the Lesson Plan Format Theme In order to keep this standard lesson plan format from becoming boring, it is important to remember that there are a number of variations that can be applied to the various segments of the lesson plan format. Warm-up:  Students might arrive late, tired, stressed or otherwise distracted to class. In order to get their attention, its best to open with a warm-up activity. The warm-up can be as simple as telling a short story or asking students questions. The warm-up can also be a more thought-out activity, such as playing a song in the background or drawing an elaborate picture on the board. While its fine to start a lesson with a simple How are you, its much better to tie your warm-up into the theme of the lesson. Presentation: The presentation can take a variety of forms. Your presentation should be clear and straightforward to help students understand new grammar and forms. Here are a few suggestions on how to present new materials to the class: Reading selectionSoliciting students knowledge about a specific pointTeacher-centered explanationListening selectionShort videoStudent presentation The presentation should include the main meat of the lesson. For example, If you are working on phrasal verbs, make the presentation by reading something thats peppered with phrasal verbs. Controlled practice: This  section of the lesson provides students with direct feedback on their comprehension of the task at hand. Generally, a controlled practice involves some type of exercise.  Ã‚  Controlled practice should help the student focus on the main task and provide them with feedback - either from the teacher or the other students. Free practice: This integrates the focus structure, vocabulary, and functional words and phrases into students overall language use. Free practice exercises often encourage students to use the target language structures in: Small group discussionsWritten work (paragraphs and essays)Listening comprehension practiceGames The most important aspect of free practice is that students should be encouraged to integrate language learned into larger structures. This requires more of a stand-off approach to teaching. Its often useful to circulate around the room and take notes. Students should be allowed to make more mistakes during this part of the lesson. Utilizing Feedback Feedback allows students to check their understanding of the lessons topic and can be done quickly at the end of the class by asking students questions about the target structures. Another approach is to have students discuss the target structures in small groups, once again giving students the chance to improve understanding on their own. In general, it is important to use this lesson plan format to facilitate students English learning. The more opportunities for student-centered learning, the more students acquire language skills for themselves.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Child Protection Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Child Protection Services - Essay Example By 1926, nearly 18 states have developed their own versions of child welfare boards that were charged with the responsibility of coordination of private and public child0-related work. New Jersey joined the Child Service and protection bandwagon in 1974 when several states passed the child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) that allowed for federal funding for children protection services (Department of Children and Families, 2014). The child protection services in New Jersey fall under the jurisdiction of the State’s Department of Children and Families. Formerly referred to as the division of youth and family services (DYFS), child protective services department of New Jersey is the state agency that is concerned with protecting children and their welfare. The DCF was created in 2006 as the State’s first cabinet agency that was bestowed to ptrotect the most vulnerable children and families within the state. They ensure the safety and permanency, as well as the well-being of children. They strive to achieve this by providing support to the families. While it is the constitutional right for parents to raise their children without the interference the state, the state of New Jersey can interfere with this constitutional right in the event that a child is under serious physical, emotional or psychological harm as a result of a parent’s actions or omission. Since the inception of the Child Protection and Permanency services, the department has been tasked with investigating various allegations that involve cases of child abuse or neglect. They also have a mandate to arrange for the protection of the child, as well as for the treatment of the family. The department has undergone numerous changes in a bid to improve the quality of their services. For instance, the department recently initiated a rapid response initiative that oversaw the implementation of a child abuse hotline service.

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 16

Psychology - Essay Example Learning can broadly be defined as ‘relatively permanent change in behaviour’ (Burns, R., 2002) through observable activities and internal processes of perception. The comparative perspective of psychology of learning primarily relies on the observation of behavioural activities of others that prompt others to improve and improvise one’s actions to optimize the performance outcome. When the observations provoke some mental processing to come to some inference, the approach is defined as cognitive approach. Thus, the varying reactions of the observations and behavioural pattern due to external objects give rise to theories to explain learning processes. The two major psychological approaches of learning are behaviourism and cognitive approach which would be compared to understand the wider implications of the approaches that are used at various levels of interaction. Theory of Behaviourism asserts that the one sees and experiences the world in its physical entirety and one responds as per the law of the nature which is constant for everyone. The principles of natural laws are based on cause and effect. Grippin and Peters claimed that this approach focuses on three vital ingredients of behaviour: observation of behaviour; environmental paradigms that influence the behaviour; and the principles of continuity and reinforcement that facilitate learning process (Grippin & Peters, 1984). Cognitive approach is basically an amalgamation of philosophical thoughts and scientific theories that try to rationalize the working of conscious and unconscious thoughts of a man and co-relate them with his subsequent actions and reactions. The theory of cognition, thereby, tries to explain why and how the events take place and subsequent pattern of behaviour of man under certain condition involving emotional and metaphysical reaction. The role of brain and conscious and unconscious activities of the mind are seen to be the responsible for the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Supply Chain Management - Essay Example However, there are many challenges that companies face while trying to improve supply chain management. One big challenge that they face is customer service, which means that ensuring that the products that a customer want are delivered at the right place and at the right time is a huge challenge for companies. This is made worse by the fact that the number of customers keeps on rising and meeting their needs is the only way they can maintain them because of the high competition in today’s market (RFID STUDY GROUP at Pennsylvania State University, 2006). The other challenge is cost control; this is because companies in order to improve their supply chain management have to find a way to control costs. These are hard tasks considering their operating costs are under a lot of pressure. These pressures that cause an upswing in operating costs rise from, regular technology upgrades and advancements to keep up with the competitors, global customers who require goods to be shipped to them, expansion in costs of healthcare and constant increase in commodity prices. These pressures are not under companies’ control and, therefore, controlling them becomes a very hard task that leads to operating costs of supply chain management being high. The other challenge is risk management and planning since supply chain management requires a lot of good planning and the right strategy for managing risks involved (W.K, P, & K.H, L, 2000). This is because this process has to be assessed periodically and its design has to keep on changing to ensure that market changes are accommodated. Companies have to identify risks and quantify as well as controlling them. There are constant changes in supply chain management such as introduction of new products to the market, new acquisition, new intellectual property to be protected, as well as maintenance of assets and security of shipping products. All these have to be planned and integrated prior to the process to

Living with a long term condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Living with a long term condition - Essay Example She was doing well under the care of her daughter, but after two years at home, many of her symptoms recurred including her hallucinations, paranoia, delusions of grandeur; she was also manifesting disorganized speech and thought processes. She was hearing voices and was often heard talking to her hallucinations; she also insisted she was a Queen and must be treated as such; and she was easily distracted and had trouble organizing her thoughts. She was also refusing to take her medications. After appropriate evaluation, she was admitted to the mental health unit. I met the patient after being assigned to her care as a mental health nurse. In evaluating her condition, she has been schizophrenic for six years now with her symptoms being manageable for the better part of four years, but due to an untoward incident – the death of her husband, her symptoms have become unmanageable again. Angela is now 56 years old, has had two grown children, and has been recently widowed. She has worked as a school teacher up to the time when her initial symptoms manifested. She has since opted for early retirement due to her condition. When she was brought home after four years in the mental institution, she has had a limited social history. She has opted to not engage in any social interactions because she felt ashamed of her condition. Her family members have remained supportive of her and they have done their best to maintain social interactions with her. Within the mental health unit, she is a shy and socially awkward person. At times, she can also be gregarious with other people, especially when her delusions of grandeur are manifesting. However, she also tends to be suspicious of everyone including the health staff and the patients. This makes her resistant to interactions and to the medical interventions which the health staff are administering. Long term conditions are those conditions which basically require prolonged medical care (London Health Observatory, 2011). The World Health Organization (Department of Health, 2005) describes that long-term conditions or chronic conditions are health issues which call for continuous care over a period of years or even decades. It includes conditions like cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, hypertension, and mental disorders including schizophrenia, depression, Alzheimer’s disease (London Health Observatory, 2011). The patient’s mental illness is considered a long-term condition because it would require continuous management. In short, it is a life-long disease which would require constant supervision and treatment. The patient would have to take medications for the rest of her life to manage her symptoms and she would have to be monitored in order to ensure that her symptoms would not endanger her life and the life of other people. 2. PLANNING THE CARE a. What interventions were planned – what is the evidence based for this? Interventions which were planned primarily included the administr ation of antipsychotic medications. The management of schizophrenia most often includes antipsychotic medications (Brown University, 2012). The patient was to be placed on Risperidone (Risperdal) which is an atypical antipsychotic. Risperidone is currently preferred as an antipsychotic because it does not cause agranulocytosis, which is commonly seen in clozapine, another antipsychotic (National Institute of Mental Health, 2012). Risperidone however can increase a patient’s risk to diabetes and hypercholestolemia; as a result, regular monitoring of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why Is It important for Managers to Understand the External Forces Essay

Why Is It important for Managers to Understand the External Forces Acting on Them and Their Organisations - Essay Example The every day role of a manager involves a range of activities all directed towards the achieving a high level of performance for the organization. In other words, being a good manager involves succeeding in achieving a high level of performance for the organization (Daft & Marcic, 2009). Thus, a key determinant in the success of manager hinges on achieving high levels of performance, which is influenced by the external forces acting on an organization as per the definition of external forces. Hence, it becomes impossible to deny that the common denomination of performance of the organization highlights the importance and interaction of the external forces acting on an organization and the role of managers in the organization. It is quite obvious that an understanding of the external forces acting on the organization makes it possible for managers to make use of the resources and create an environment that negate any impact of external forces that enhance stress in the organization a nd through that reduce job tension and enhance job satisfaction and job commitment that go towards improving the performance of the organization (Pool, 2000). Any organization exists in an external environment and necessarily has to interact with this environment and transact business within this environment. Such a relation between an organization and its environment is clear indication of the direct relationship between the external forces and organization. In which case, it goes without saying that effective interaction between the organization and the external forces is a key determinant for the success of the organization. What is the nature of the interaction between the external forces and the organization? External forces can impose a number of constraints on an organization that have a strong influence on the scope and direction of the activities in an organization and through that the performance of the organization, while the organization has limited control over these ex ternal forces. The key aspect of handling the constraints imposed by external forces is in the managers of the organization identifying and understanding the external forces and the constraints brought on by them and developing policies and actions within it’s the environment of the organization to take advantage of the situation that is impacting on all organizations operating in that sector of industrial activity. In fact, it is the understanding of the external forces coupled with an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment of the organization by managers that allows that to seek out the opportunities in the external environment to exploit them and develop measures to mitigate any threats imposed by the external forces (Shaikh, 2010). According to Robbins and Coulter 2007, external forces acting on an organization can be classified into two elements of the external forces of the specific environment and the external forces of the general en vironment. Such a distinction of the external forces is useful in evaluating the influence of external influence on the performance of an organization and its implications for managers (Robbins & Coulter, 2007) The specific environment consists of those external forces that have a direct bearing on managerial decisions and activities, because they have a direct relevance to the performance of an organization and the attainment of the objectives of the organization. This may imply that the specific environment for all organizations is static and the same. This is not true for the specific environment is unique to every organization and changes with changes in the condition. For example, let us look at two organizations of Timex and Rolex conducting business operations in the same market of

Take home exam paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Take home exam - Term Paper Example This â€Å"unnatural† inelastic demand is created as a means of encouraging and influencing the consumer to integrate with the given good or service. This approach is used rather often as a means of encouraging a higher than average integration with a given good or service; hence the way that certain types of goods or services are so heavily marketed and ultimately create an unnatural level of demand as compared to what might otherwise exist should an aggressive level of marketing not be utilized (Van Heerde et al., 2013). Marginal cost refers to the change in overall cost that occurs when the quantity produced increases by an increment of a certain unit. This is useful in terms of understanding at what point a given manufacturer or producer should cease production and/or at what point it will be economically beneficial to upgrade the production capacity to deal with increasing demand or expected increased demand in the future (Rogerson, 2011). As such, marginal cost is not only associated with raw material inputs and/or labor, it can include the cost of building or purchasing new production space and machinery; up to and including a new factory or factories. The decreasing marginal returns can be noted in the graph below as the areas in both blue and red that appear as high values on the x and y axis. An oligopoly can be defined as a type of market form that is dominated by only handful of sellers. These oligopolies then have a high likelihood of colluding as a means of setting prices and reducing the entrants to the market that might threaten to drive down price. Oligopolies exist throughout the world and can be noted in the banking sector, automobile production sector, and telecommunications markets (Goettler & Gordon, 2014). Broadly speaking, governments around the globe have made gestures towards regulating and enforcing

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Why Is It important for Managers to Understand the External Forces Essay

Why Is It important for Managers to Understand the External Forces Acting on Them and Their Organisations - Essay Example The every day role of a manager involves a range of activities all directed towards the achieving a high level of performance for the organization. In other words, being a good manager involves succeeding in achieving a high level of performance for the organization (Daft & Marcic, 2009). Thus, a key determinant in the success of manager hinges on achieving high levels of performance, which is influenced by the external forces acting on an organization as per the definition of external forces. Hence, it becomes impossible to deny that the common denomination of performance of the organization highlights the importance and interaction of the external forces acting on an organization and the role of managers in the organization. It is quite obvious that an understanding of the external forces acting on the organization makes it possible for managers to make use of the resources and create an environment that negate any impact of external forces that enhance stress in the organization a nd through that reduce job tension and enhance job satisfaction and job commitment that go towards improving the performance of the organization (Pool, 2000). Any organization exists in an external environment and necessarily has to interact with this environment and transact business within this environment. Such a relation between an organization and its environment is clear indication of the direct relationship between the external forces and organization. In which case, it goes without saying that effective interaction between the organization and the external forces is a key determinant for the success of the organization. What is the nature of the interaction between the external forces and the organization? External forces can impose a number of constraints on an organization that have a strong influence on the scope and direction of the activities in an organization and through that the performance of the organization, while the organization has limited control over these ex ternal forces. The key aspect of handling the constraints imposed by external forces is in the managers of the organization identifying and understanding the external forces and the constraints brought on by them and developing policies and actions within it’s the environment of the organization to take advantage of the situation that is impacting on all organizations operating in that sector of industrial activity. In fact, it is the understanding of the external forces coupled with an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment of the organization by managers that allows that to seek out the opportunities in the external environment to exploit them and develop measures to mitigate any threats imposed by the external forces (Shaikh, 2010). According to Robbins and Coulter 2007, external forces acting on an organization can be classified into two elements of the external forces of the specific environment and the external forces of the general en vironment. Such a distinction of the external forces is useful in evaluating the influence of external influence on the performance of an organization and its implications for managers (Robbins & Coulter, 2007) The specific environment consists of those external forces that have a direct bearing on managerial decisions and activities, because they have a direct relevance to the performance of an organization and the attainment of the objectives of the organization. This may imply that the specific environment for all organizations is static and the same. This is not true for the specific environment is unique to every organization and changes with changes in the condition. For example, let us look at two organizations of Timex and Rolex conducting business operations in the same market of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Swan Ice Arena Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Swan Ice Arena - Case Study Example Swan Ice Arena is an indoor ice rink that primarily catered to hockey groups. However, in the recent months, the manager, David Swan has opened the ice rink for public skating. Even though public skating was supposed to increase the revenues for Swan but at this point Swan has been unable to profit from the venture despite heavy investment in making the rink public. Public attendance in the rink is low despite Swan’s best effort. Swan has noticed that families and young children visit the area during the weekends and young couples are more eager to visit the rink during Fridays. However, Swan cannot limit the rink to these groups for specific days since he realizes that young children also visit during Fridays. The presence of young children during couple days discourages the couples to visit more often. At this time, Swan is unable to increase the visits and thus revenues have not increased for him despite his investments on the rink.  Swan Ice Arena is an indoor ice rink t hat primarily catered to hockey groups. However, in the recent months, the manager, David Swan has opened the ice rink for public skating. Even though public skating was supposed to increase the revenues for Swan but at this point Swan has been unable to profit from the venture despite heavy investment in making the rink public. Public attendance in the rink is low despite Swan’s best effort. Swan has noticed that families and young children visit the area during the weekends and young couples are more eager to visit the rink during Fridays. However, Swan cannot limit the rink to these groups for specific days since he realizes that young children also visit during Fridays. The presence of young children during couple days discourages the couples to visit more often. At this time, Swan is unable to increase the visits and thus revenues have not increased for him despite his investments on the rink. Evaluating the situation, a few recommendations could be made. Swan would bene fit by limiting Fridays for young couples by restricting the age limit to 14 years. Even though at this point of time, young couples do not visit the area much but when the place becomes known as a couple hangout joint, more people would be willing to visit and revenues would definitely increase. Since Generation Y that Swan at this time is trying to cater relies on word-of-mouth promotion (Perreault and Mc Carthy), Swan would benefit from it. Also Swan could allow these young couples to make song requests so that they are able to participate more fully in the area.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Meaning of Life and Happiness Essay Example for Free

Meaning of Life and Happiness Essay I do not think that there is a single person in the world who can say that knows what happiness actually is and, more importantly, that knows how to achieve it. We sometimes get the glimpse of pure happiness but those moments are so rare and so intense that we only recognise them too late. Each of us understands this feeling in a different way†¦I, for instance, see it as the one that can make you feel that there is no worry in life and nothing and nobody can hurt you anymore. For me, it is when you feel like you can do anything and forget about the past, the future, just enjoying the mere present. In my case, it is one of two feelings that can make you cry with all your heart†¦because it is too much for you to express in plain words or pointless gestures. â€Å"Tears are words that the heart can’t express† a wise man once said and could have never said it better, as happiness is that joy which is so strong that sometimes even hurts. However, I never remember the recipe for happiness and even if I did I do not think it would work again because one of its components is also hazard. Still, this does nt make me stop searching for it and devote it everything I do, I am and I achieve. Likewise, each person I’ve ever met, consciously or not, did the same†¦we want to get something, to become someone. Why? Not because that would make us feel miserable, but fulfilled and maybe a little bit more: happy. Hence, I strongly believe that happiness is the main purpose of our lives, the whole aim of our ephemeral existence. We are born happy and we want to die the same; this is the true ideal that we all crave for reaching. Money, wealth, knowledge mean nothing, without someone who cares about what you have achieved. Human beings, whether they like admitting it or not, need other human beings to share their secrets with, to share their joy or sorrow; as genuine joy can only become happiness if there is another person by your side. In other words, happiness is, in my opinion, the actual meaning of life; and life seems so complicated especially because we seldom get to its core, we almost never get to know what happiness feels like†¦and afterwards all that remains is an unclear memory of the moment and a wish of feeling it again.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Importance Of Communication Within Nursing Nursing Essay

The Importance Of Communication Within Nursing Nursing Essay The aim of this essay is to explore the concept of communication within nursing. Communication is often seen as a verbal act, however, this essay will explore the various other means in which people communicate, and attempt to apply them to a clinical setting. It will also explain how important communication is when establishing the nurse, patient relationship, and how bad communication skills can result in a breakdown in that relationship. Finally, a reflection will be written on an aspect of communication that took place during a clinical placement. This will be used to highlight how good or bad communication techniques can impact upon the patient and hence inhibit or aid the rehabilitation process. Over recent years, the role of a nurse has changed considerably. According to Kenworthy et al (2002) the nurse no longer treats a patient who is ill, but treats the person who happens to have an illness. Nursing has taken on a more holistic approach, and patients are seen more as whole beings (Jones 1998). Not only are their medical histories examined, but their social being and their lifestyle are taken into consideration when planning and implementing treatment (Kenworthy et al. 2002). The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Professional Conduct (2008) specifies that nurses should treat patients as individuals and make their care their primary concern. This should be carried out whilst respecting their dignity and treating them as individuals. The code goes on to state, that a nurse should; act as an advocate for those in their care, helping them to access relevant health and social care, information and support (NMC 2008 p.1). In order for a nurse to understand the patient holistically, they will need to collect and analyse a huge amount of data. This begins with the initial assessment, and signals the beginning of the nursing process. (Palmer Kaur, 2005). According to Roper, et al (1983), cited in Aggleton Chalmers (2000) nursing should be centred on the patients twelve activities of daily living. This involves asking in depth questions concerning the patients normal behaviours and habits in relation to such activities as elimination, sleep, work and play. By talking to the patient and obtaining the information required, the nurse should aim to build a therapeutic relationship between themselves and the patient. During this period, the nurse should attempt to gain the trust of her patient by making them feel comfortable, safe and at ease (Sheldon 2005). This stage of the nurse, patient relationship is crucial, and depends wholly on the communication abilities of the nurse in question. In order for an assessment to be successfully completed, the nurse should be conscious of the types of questions used. The use of open ended questions can allow a patient to elaborate on their feelings, and prevent yes or no answers. However, when precise information is required the use of closed questions may be more appropriate (Sully Dallas 2005). Stuart Laraia (2001), cited in Riley (2004) argue that a therapeutic relationship can be facilitated by communication, but at times can act as a barrier to the relationship. Renwick (1992) cited in Arnold Boggs (2003) concur, suggesting that nurses should ask an appropriate number of questions in order to collect relevant data , yet too many questions could cause the patient to feel as if they are being cross-examined. According to Sheldon, (2005), a nurse should view communication as a clinical skill, and endeavour to constantly build on their expertise throughout their career. Communication in its simplest term, is the social interaction of people. It involves the sending and receiving of messages, which can either be verbal or non-verbal (Anderson, 1990). According to Riley (2004) firstly, the sender has to encode the message that he or she wishes to send. This message is then conveyed to the receiver through means of speech, sight, and touch. It is then necessary for the receiver to decode the message, and encode a return message. Speech is often seen as the main component of communication. However, it is important for health professionals to remember, that not all words have the same meaning for everyone. Even if a patient does understand what the nurse is saying, the non verbal actions that accompany the words spoken, can completely change the meaning of the message (Arnold Boggs, 2003) Therefore, other elements apart from speech need to be taken into consideration when decoding and encoding messages. According to Argyle (1988) and Ekman Friesen (1987), cited in Kenworthy et al (2002), facial expression can reveal volumes with regards to the emotional state of the receiver or sender. They recognised six fundamental emotions, which are identifiable across all cultures, by the movement of facial muscles; happiness, anger, surprise, fear, disgust and sadness. If a patient were undergoing an embarrassing procedure and the nurse caring for them showed signs of embarrassment or distaste via their facial muscles, this could make an unpleasant situation even more humiliating for the patient concerned. Stanton (1990) argues that an individuals body language can often display a much stronger message than their verbal communication, and can become open to misinterpretation. It is therefore necessary for health professionals to consider their non-verbal techniques of communica tion in order to avoid such misunderstandings. A further aspect of communications that a nurse should be conscious of is paralanguage. This includes the characteristics that run alongside language, for instance, pitch, volume, tone, accent and speed of speech. (Kenworthy et al 2002). It is entirely possible for the sender to encode one thing, only for the receiver to decode quite another. For instance, if a nurse is giving a patient instruction on how to take their medication, with a loud tone, and is pronouncing her words very slowly, the patient may feel as if they are being patronised. This could ultimately lead to a breakdown in communication, and hence the patients quality of care could become compromised. In conclusion, it is of the utmost importance that a nurse is able to build a trusting relationship with the patient, this will form the basis of the patients treatment and rehabilitation. The nurses communication ability is paramount and they must be fully aware of, and take into account the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication. The nurse must also be aware of the diversity of clients, and treat them with sensitivity and respect. This will create a mutual understanding between nurse and patient, which will ultimately aid the rehabilitation process. The second part of this assignment will reflect on an incident that took place during a clinical setting. It will be used to demonstrate a further understanding of the importance of communication within nursing. Reflection on Practice Reflective practice has been identified and acknowledged as an essential tool within the healthcare profession. According to Jasper (2003), the ability to reflect upon ones experiences is the starting point for relating theory to practice. The reflective process requires the individual to be self aware, and able to analyse their actions, thoughts and feelings, and if necessary, bring about positive change (Bulman Schutz 2004). For the purposes of this reflection I will use the Gibbs reflective cycle (see Appendix 1). This model sets out a series of structured questions, which will help guide me through the reflective process In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct (2008) patient confidentiality will be maintained throughout this reflective account. Therefore, the patient involved will be referred to by the pseudonym of Rose. Description: What Happened? My first clinical placement was on an elective surgery ward. Rose, a 70 year old woman was suffering from primary osteoarthritis of the right hip. This is a degenerative, non-inflammatory condition, which affects the hyaline cartilage of the synovial joints (Manley and Bellman 2003). Due to her continuing pain and decreased mobility, she had agreed to undergo a total right hip arthroplasty. According to OBrien et al (1997a) arthroplasty, is the most common, and successful treatment for osteoarthritis of the hip. Rose was on her second, post operative day and was having trouble opening her bowels. The nurses caring for her were aware of this, and she had been given a laxative the previous evening. She was very reluctant to get out of bed and walk to the toilet herself, as she was afraid of the pain, and the fact that she may dislocate her hip. A staff nurse and I, had placed a bed pan underneath Rose several times that morning, but she had been unable to open her bowels. According to (Heberer and Marx 1995) constipation after surgery is quite commonplace, this can be due to the drugs taken after surgery to combat pain. Each time the staff nurse and I had assisted Rose, she had become very frustrated and angry. Later that afternoon Roses buzzer went off, she explained that she had a strong feeling that her bowels were about to open. I could tell by Roses facial expression that she was indeed desperate to open her bowels. The other two nurses on duty that day were busy with two post operative patients. I realised, that I would have to choose between waiting for another staff member to assist me, or allowing Rose to soil herself and her bed. I was aware that this would be very embarrassing and humiliating for her, I was also aware of the Code of Conduct (NMC 2008) that emphasises the fact that nurses should act in the best interests of the patient. I was also reluctant to attempt this alone, as Rose had become somewhat angry during previous attempts. Feelings: What were you thinking? Even though I had previously assisted qualified staff in placing Rose on a bedpan, I was rather apprehensive about tackling this procedure unsupervised. As no help seemed to be arriving, I realised that I had to make a decision. Not only was Rose becoming increasingly desperate, she was also becoming irate and impatient. I decided, that in order to adhere to the Code of Conduct (NMC, 2008) I would have to try and help Rose to the best of my ability, alone. I was very nervous, not only was I worried that I would not get her on the bedpan in time; I was also concerned that I would not be able to cope with her demeanour, if this happened. I did not feel experienced enough in my communication skills to be able to carry this out, whilst at the same time, attempting to place her on the bed pan. I explained to Rose that I was going to place the bedpan underneath her; I also explained that I was a student nurse and that I was still learning. Above Rose there was an over bed pole hoist (monkey bar) that she was able to use to pull herself up, whilst I placed the bed pan underneath her. Whilst Rose was pulling herself up she was making a lot of noise due to the strain of using her upper body, and the pain of her hip. I tried to encourage her with a calm voice, however I was aware that my tone of voice was rising because I felt panicked. This in turn caused Rose to become even more agitated. This was making me even more apprehensive, and I began to feel flustered and very inexperienced. It was very difficult to sit rose squarely on the bedpan as she was lying flat, I was very worried that she would completely miss it and soil the bedding. Not only would this be very humiliating and uncomfortable for her, but it would make me feel very incompetent as a nurse. During this time I f elt very inexperienced, and doubtful as to whether I would make a very good nurse at all. Eventually Rose managed to open her bowels, it was extremely loose and had an offensive smell. I was very worried that I would not be able to remain professional due to the sight and smell of the faeces. I was aware that this could be detrimental to Roses self esteem and could cause a barrier within the nurse, patient relationship. Whist wiping Rose, it was clear that she was very embarrassed. I too felt embarrassed, and endeavoured to keep talking to her until I had finished. Even though I had tried to hide my embarrassment, I was very concerned that Rose had been aware of it. This made me feel frustrated and annoyed with myself. Evaluation: What was good and bad about the situation? I feel that my lack of communication skills during an embarrassing situation were evident during the procedure. Rose was embarrassed enough, without me adding to her discomfort by showing my awkwardness. Although I managed to check my facial expressions whilst Rose was defecating for signs of distaste, I failed to check them for signs of embarrassment whilst wiping her. Despite my inexperience, I feel that I made the right choice when I decided to place Rose on the bed pan myself. I was aware that I had limitations as a student nurse, however, I felt that it was in Roses best interests for me to go ahead unaided. The whole situation would have been made a lot worse if Rose had defecated in the bed. She would have felt very humiliated and embarrassed and her feelings of lost independence would have escalated. Analysis: What sense can you make of the situation? On reflection I feel that I pre-judged Rose. Every time I had dealt with her over the previous two days she had appeared very demanding and short tempered. However, when everything had been cleared away, I sat with Rose and we talked for a while. Through the use of open questions I began to understand why Rose came across as difficult. Sully (2005), suggests that the use of open ended questions allows the patients to elaborate their feelings, and closed questions should only be used in instances when yes or no answers are required. I discovered that Rose was a very nice lady, who was simply embarrassed and frightened by her lack of mobility and independence. She explained that previous to her hip problems she had played golf on a regular basis, and that she was very worried that she would not be able to resume this pastime. According to Kennedy Sheldon (2004) anger in patients is often a reaction to fear and anxiety, particularly in cases where there is lack of independence. After ou r conversation, I felt that I had a greater understanding of Rose. Although I knew Rose was in pain, and appreciated her embarrassment, I had viewed her as an impatient, demanding lady. Rogers (1951), cited in Kennedy Sheldon (2004) suggest, that the manner in which a person responds to illness, is an individual response to their change of circumstances. He goes further, and states that it is the responsibility of the nurse to treat the patient as an individual, devoid of any prejudice, and with unconditional positive regard. (ibid). Smith Hart (1994), cited in Hollinworth et al (2005) concur, stating that nurses should refrain from being judgemental and should never label patients as being difficult or demanding following a particular episode of anger. On reflection this is exactly what I did. Due to Roses frustration during earlier attempts to place her on the bed pan, I had perceived her as a demanding and bad tempered lady, this had led to me feeling very apprehensive about dea ling with her. On reflection, I realise that I made assumptions about Roses personality that were not true. During the procedure I had attempted to calm Rose down by talking to her. However, I had allowed the tone of my voice to rise because I felt flustered. Ellis et al (2003), suggest that the tone and pitch of a senders voice can give clues to the receiver about the mood, and mind state of the sender. Jack Smith (2007), argue that the actual tone of the voice used, can have more of an impact that the actual words spoken. This can lead to a total misinterpretation of the message being conveyed and could ultimately lead to a breakdown in the nurse, patient relationship (ibid). Even though I was encouraging Rose, the tone and level of my voice could have been perceived as impatient. This would have caused Rose to become even more agitated, during what was an embarrassing and humiliating time for her. During the procedure I had also underestimated how my facial expression could be perceived by Rose. Although I had been conscious of not displaying signs of distaste whilst Rose was defecating, I had failed not to show signs of my embarrassment whilst wiping her afterwards. Arnold and Boggs (2003) argue that if the verbal message fails to match the non-verbal message, then the non-verbal aspects will take precedent. Therefore, even though I was telling Rose that everything was fine; my face was conveying quite clearly that I was very embarrassed. On reflection, I can see that this must have been very humiliating for Rose, as she was normally a very independent lady who was used to dealing with her elimination needs herself. Conclusion: This situation, has taught me the importance of building a therapeutic, trusting relationship with patients. It is essential that the nurse knows the person as a whole in order to treat them as individuals. If I had been aware of how independent and active Rose had previously been, then I would have been far better equipped to deal with her. I have also been made more aware of the dangers of pre-judging patients. I had labelled Rose as a bad tempered lady, and had failed to understand her reasons for this behaviour. This experience has shown me the importance of questioning and listening to patients in order to see them as whole beings. My experience has shown me, how lack of communication skills can cause barriers within the nurse patient relationship. It is very important to not only be aware of what you are saying, but to also be aware of non-verbal communication techniques that run alongside language. Action Plan My encounter with Rose has shown me how inexperienced I am with regards to communication with patients. I realise the importance of continually striving to enhance my skills, in order to progress as a student nurse. During subsequent placements, I will take the opportunity to practice my communication techniques, bearing in mind that communication is not only about conversing with the patient verbally, but also about being aware of facial expressions, paralanguage and the ability to listen attentively. In future I will be acutely aware of the importance of not pre-judging or labelling patients, but will endeavour to treat them respectfully and as individuals. Overall Conclusion In conclusion, good communication skills are essential in order for a nurse to provide the best level of care. For a nurse to be able to establish a trusting relationship with the patient, they must first have a mutual understanding. This understanding can only be achieved if the nurse is able to communicate effectively, being aware, not only of the words being used, but also of the non-verbal traits that run alongside those words. The nurse also needs to be aware of the patients non-verbal cues. Many patients will show signs of frustration or anger because they are frightened, it is important that the nurse is able to read these signs and investigate them further. For a nurse to successfully practice, it is essential that they continually practice, develop and enhance their communication skills throughout their career. Reference List Aggleton P and Chalmers H (2000) Nursing Models and Nursing Practice. (2nd edn.) Hampshire: Palgrave Anderson C (1990) Patient Teaching and Communicating in an Information Age. New York: Delmar Publishers Inc. Arnold E and Underman Boggs K (2003) Interpersonal Relationships; Professional communication Skills for Nurses. (4th edn.) Missouri: Elsevier Science Bulman C and Schutz S (eds.) (2004) Reflective Practice in Nursing. (3rd edn.) Edinburgh:Bailliere Tindall Ellis B Gates B and Kenworthy N (2003) (2nd edn.) Interpersonal Communication In Nursing. China: Elsevier Science Heberer M and Marx A (1995) Complications of enteral nutrition. London: Edward Arnold Hollinworth H Clark C Harlanor R Johnson L and Partington G (2005) Understanding The Arousal Of Anger; A Patient Centred Approach. Nursing Standard 19(37) pp.41-47 Jack K and Smith A (2007) Promoting Self-Awareness In Nurses To Improve Nursing Practice. Nursing Standard 21(32) pp.47-52 Jasper M (2003) Beginning Reflective Practice. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Jones P (1998) Holism: Making Sense of It. All (online) Available at, (accessed 14 October 2008) Kenworthy N Snowley G and Gilling C (2002) Common Foundation Studies in Nursing. (3rd edn.) Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Manley K and Bellman L (2003) Surgical Nursing; Advance Practice. London: Churchill Livingstone The Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct (2008) (Online) Available at 056 (accessed 16 October 2008) OBrien S Engela D Leonard S Kernohan G and Beverland D (1997a) Prosthetic Dislocation in Customized Total Hip Replacement: A Clinical and Radiographic Review. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing 1 (1):4-10 Palmer D and Kaur S (eds.) (2003) Core Skills for Nurse Practitioners. London: Whurr Publishers Riley J B (2004) Communication In Nursing. (5th edn.) Philadelphia: Mosby Roberts A (2008) (online) Available at (accessed 20th October 2010) Sheldon Kennedy L (2005) Communication for Nurses; talking with patients. Boston: Jones and Bartlett. Stanton K (1990) Communication. London:Macmillan Sully P and Dallas J (2005) Essential Communication Skills for Nurses. China: Elsevier Mosby

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Others :: essays research papers

The Other   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gananath Obeyesekere argues that â€Å"one cannot escape the politics, ethics, and quandaries of representation even as we try to describe the Other.† This argument has lead to a great debate between him and another anthropologist, Marshal Sahlins. Obeyesekere believes that even though we try to give an objective portrayal of another, we cannot help judging them by our own standards. Sahlins on the other hand, says that it is possible to describe other people in an objective way, as long as you have evidence. These anthropologist’s arguments were focused around the apotheosis of Captain Cook. The major debate between the two resides in the idea of representation, and an outsider’s ability to understand another culture. This debate on the concept of representation can be applied to the movie, My Son the Fanatic, in which two cultures are represented- Western and Muslim.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the movie My Son the Fanatic, we see two cultures being represented. The first is that of a Western Capitalist, racist- acted out by the character, Schitz, who was a German businessman. The other culture was that of violent, Muslim fundamentalists- acted out by Farid, the son of Parvez. This movie was written by Hanif Kureishi who was the son of a Pakistani father and an English mother. Because Hanif was a Pakistani, it is expected that he would be able to objectively portray the Muslims in the movie. I think that he did a good job at doing so. He showed that some of the Muslims were violent fundamentalists such as Farid, and he also showed examples of Muslims that were not so extreme such as Parvez. Farid led violent riots to destroy the prostitutes, burned down their house and attacked Bettina, a prostitute that was also Parvez’ friend. If this was the only type of Muslim portrayed throughout the movie, it would have been a stereotypical film; however, Hanif also showed that there were Muslims such as Parvez that were not violent fundamentalists- Parvez even befriended a prostitute.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unlike his un-bias representation of Muslims, Hanif lacked objectivity in the representation of the Western culture within the film. This culture had only one character that was portrayed as being evil; it seemed very stereotypical on this behalf. The character of Schitz was portrayed as a Western Capitalistic, racist. Schitz was personified as being very selfish, only thinking about his on pleasures and money. The idea of Westerners being all about money is a major stereotype.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Linux Security Essay

While researching the regulatory requirements needed for First World Bank Savings and Loans I found that a security policy against current server architecture is required to be implemented. The CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability) triad is taken into account when analyzing the multiple servers in reference to Linux and Open Source managing security demands. The â€Å"Database Server† requires the administrators go further in terms of technical design through a Linux architecture method. MySQL can be utilized as a backend and comes with script availability to remove test databases, lower systems and data base privileges (Jang, 2011). This method will allow successful requirement of all networking layers. The Apache Web Server allows the ability to harden the Linux kernel within Apache (Prashant, 2013). The patch available is â€Å"grsecurity† and allows protection against zero-day vulnerabilities while utilizing â€Å"ksplice† to update the kernal on time (Prashant, 2013). Samba is used for the file server and has many features to restrict access to what is shared. This includes enforcing password requirements, filtering at the network level, and a check going against group memberships (Jang, 2011). The SMTP server will be Sendmail. Sendmail comes with the security feature of encrypting the connection (Jang, 2011). We will also need a virus scanning program to ensure mail coming in does not have virus attachments. The LDAP server will be utilized as the central authentication server so that the involved users have a login that is unified and covers all console logins (LDAP NExt, 2010). Works Cited Jang, M. (2011). Security Strategies in Linux Platforms and Applications. Jones & Bartlett Learning. LDAP NExt. (2010, 06). The official Red Hat Reference Guide. Retrieved from Prashant, P. (2013, 10 10). Linux for you. Retrieved from

Thursday, October 10, 2019

John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: Holocaust from a Child’s Perspective Essay

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne is a story that tells of the holocaust through the eyes of a child, Bruno, a boy who discovers a peculiar friend that lives a strange existence on the other side of the adjoining wire fence. The important ideas presented in the novel are cruelty, discrimination, and abusive power, the holocaust from a child’s perspective and the misinterpretations from a child who gradually discovers the world to be not as enjoyable as he thought. Using some of these ideas listed above the storyline of the book gradually becomes more evident and keeps you interested in the book to finding that the story is of the holocaust and how the Jews were once treated, last century. Cruelty and racism is the most important idea being expressed in the book. The Nazi’s were cruel to the Jews by keeping them in concentration camps where they were beaten, starved, threatened, gassed, burned and forced to work day in and day out, it impossible for them to earn a living. The way they treated the Jewish race was all because making the Nazi people purely didn’t like them, which is racist because they had no other reason for their murderous behaviour toward them. One example of cruelty recognised is on page 208, in the last few pages of the book where the meaning behind the whole story begins to be more obvious. â€Å"In fact everywhere he looked, all he could see was two different types of people: either happy, laughing, shouting soldiers in their uniform or unhappy, crying people in their striped pyjamas, most of whom seemed to be staring into space as if they were actually asleep. ‘I don’t think I like it here,’ said Bruno. † This part in the book clearly states that Bruno is beginning to feel uneasy with where he is, and recognise that the Jewish people aren’t actually having fun on the other side of the fence but for some reason are unhappy, due to what we work out ourselves, the cruel and inhumane way that they were being treated. Abusive power is another significant issue presented in the book. Many characters in the story have abused their power, three being Lieutenant Kotler, when he physically abuses Pavel on page 148, a Jew who clumsily makes a small fault and knocks over a wine bottle in front on lieutenant Kotler, and the soldier takes him into the other room and beats him. â€Å"What happened then was both unexpected and extremely unpleasant. Lieutenant Kotler grew very angry with Pavel and no one – not Bruno, not Gretel, not Mother and not even Father – stepped in to stop him doing what her did next, even though none of them could watch. Even though it made Bruno cry and Gretel grow pale. † The fact that Pavel was being beaten made Bruno feel uncomfortable to even be in the room, making it obvious that lieutenant Kotler had abused his power. The second one is Gretel, Bruno’s older sister; she did this several times in the book by constantly criticizing him because of his age and height, which really lowered Bruno’s self esteem. The last and third example is that of Bruno’s parents, as they did not allow Bruno to have a say or choice in moving homes. All Bruno knows is that he was being moved from his comfortable home in Berlin to a home in a desolate area where there is nothing to do and no one to play with. The Holocaust is expressed through many different techniques in the story. The main technique being used is ‘through the eyes of a child’ which allows us to read the novel and get the entire perspective from Bruno, a young boy. The point of this is so that the book isn’t disturbing for us to read because a child has a much more innocent view of the world. â€Å"Bruno was oblivious to the appalling cruelties being inflicted on the people of Europe in his country. † This sentence is on the blurb on the back of the book and reinforces that Bruno doesn’t know for almost the whole book what is happening on the other side of the fence, we just catch glimpses of what is really happening when he describes how unhappy the Jewish people were. Capitalisation is another expression used when describing something. Capitalising words or phrases changes the effect of how you read it in a book. For example, if you were reading something in lowercase it would simply be read in a normal low tone voice calmly if it is capitalised, even if we do not recognise it, we pick up our pace when reading over that section and read it in a more angry tone to express the aggressiveness in the sentence etc. Misinterpretations and mispronunciations are the next two strategies used in the book. Misinterpretations are evident on page 210 where it explains that Bruno misconceives what is happening and that he doesn’t understand, â€Å"He didn’t know what everyone looked so frightened about – after all, marching wasn’t such a terrible thing – and he wanted to whisper to them that everything was all right, that Father was the Commandant, and if this was the kind of thing that he wanted the people to do then it must all be right. † Following this he says, â€Å"’I have to go home. † But just as he said this, his feet brought him up a set of steps, and as he marched on he found there was no more rain coming down anymore because they were all piling into a long room that was surprisingly warm and must have been very securely built because no rain was getting in anywhere. In fact it felt completely airtight. ‘Well, that’s something’ he said, glad to be out of the storm for a few minutes at least. ‘I expect we’ll have to wait here til it eases off and then ill get to go home’† Bruno thought that the soldiers were keeping them in this large room out of the rain to be warm, but what was actually about to occur was much worse then that. The last idea I’m going to discuss is discrimination which relates majorly to the first argument but I wanted to state this again because it is racial inequity and this is what the whole book is about, how unjustly the Jewish race were treated. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a very meaningful book and not only can we learn of the holocaust history but still be interested and relate to the story because it is from a child’s perspective and this can be recognised by us. From all the techniques and ideas expressed in the story, the book has an emotional impact on us and makes it almost effortless to read as its puts us directly into Bruno’s world view. The way John Boyne has written the story allows us to sympathise for the Jews. The fact that it is based on a historical event really makes it reliable in showing us how the Jews were treated during the holocaust.