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To Kill A Mockingbird Essay On The Topic The Quietest People Are Often The Most Powerful
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Method For EAP Essay
Technique For EAP Essay Technique For EAP Essay Philosophy This review was led by methods for a composed poll. The objective was to discover the perspective on self destruction in Sheffield’s residents and the disposition which individuals think can forestall or lessen the self destruction. This poll included 11 inquiries of various styles from which the majority of these inquiries was sat as a different decision answer premise. Quantities of respondents originate from various nations were 40, a portion of their age from 18 to 21. The poll concentrated on singular demeanor question, for example, â€Å"what do you believe is the fundamental driver of suicide†and how to forestall or decrease the self destruction. The study didn't restrict the objective gathering to a specific gathering, for instance age, sexual orientation; this choice can help the questionnaire’s information greater reality. The study was starting in Sheffield Hallam University. In complete 40 individuals were met. Answers from individuals of all age bun ches were gotten. The example of 40 people’s information was clear, yet this can't be seen a solid and general sentiment information. Likewise the overview finished up two open inquiries; this implies some of results are not generic. The explanation is various individuals had various types of feeling on a certain something. By the by, the information accomplished through the review gives a fascinating understanding into the perspective on why individuals needs to self destruction and how forestall or diminish the self destruction occurred. (227 words) Results and conversation from the beginning, the review was starting to discover the fundamental explanation which can reflect individuals to think self destruction. The inquiries 1 to 3 were expected to find the essential data from the respondents; the appropriate responses were incorporated by 3 regions †age, sexual orientation and nationality. These three fundamental inquiries would enable other to break down other questions’ result all the more precisely and successfully. As indicated by these information and join to address 4 and 5’s information (Fig.1), among the more youthful respondents, a large portion of them (35%) demonstrated therapist issues were the primary driver of self destruction; in this information there were 7 females and 7 guys picked this answer. (20%) of respondents likewise demonstrated family breakdown or clashes were the second reason for self destruction. Also, 6 females and 2 guys picked that answer. Family breakdown can lead individual s become disorderly at that point think some unpleasant things. The third reason for self destruction which respondents considered was drugs (18%). In term of ages, most respondents accepted youngster (21-40) are the most various self destruction. Among these information, it very well may be presumed that fundamental explanation behind individuals considering self destruction is clinician issues thank by a large portion of individuals. As indicated by the sexual orientation, both male and female were delicate on analyst issues. Besides, the Fig.2, Fig.3 and Fig.4 show that two genders’ various thoughts regarding the self destruction. From Fig.2, we found that dominant part (63%) considered life is significant both female and male, they had never thought to a self destruction. Be that as it may, the other gathering (37%) demonstrated that they ever think to execute themselves. These information results can be appear to be these days individuals started to joins incredible significance to self destruction and they have positive and clear qualities on self destruction. (BBC NEWS, 2013) Distinctive sex has various types of intuition on suicide’s reason; on females’ side in Fig.3, they through females would consider the self destruction simpler than guys (9 respondents). Among these information results, the most reasons appeared from the appropriate response were female can be become shortcoming on brain research in a breeze; once in a while pressure in life would let females feel low trust in the public eye or in home. On the hand Fig.4 (males’ side), the outcome was another story which was not quite the same as Fig.3, they thank guys would think self destruction simple. For instance, the social pressure and family pressure were the fundamental driver impact males’ method of through. Be that as it may, reasons of self destruction had the higher similitude whenever looked at Fig.4 and Fig.3. This demonstrated reasons which were comparable and distinction. Likeness contrasts Females What's more, Guys Social and family
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ebay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Ebay - Essay Example Advertising is a procedure that involves discovering what precisely the clients needs and needs, at that point giving client merchandise and ventures that meet or surpass their desires, it isn't simply â€Å"selling†and â€Å"advertising†. A portion of the inner quality that encouraged achievement were, item being client arranged this implies discovering what the client truly needs and not what he/she can locate another option and oversee then give it to them. Administration direction that is, having a target of consumer loyalty. A benefit direction is promoting the items such that will procure the business great benefit to improve its endurance and encourage its development to serve more clients (Blattberg and Scott, 385). Shortcomings that may have prevented total gathering my goal; comprehending what the client needs its very troublesome in light of the fact that it is difficult to get the opportunity to interface with every one of them face to face, discovering methods for snappy conveyance of items, consistent change in innovation continually influencing customer’s inclinations, in this way, need to screen nearer associations with clients. Since it is showcasing at worldwide level one must follow by all standards of the considerable number of nations he/she advertises the item and the legitimateness of the item, which isn't simple. What started things out, your item or your objective market? Did you have an item you needed to sell, discover an objective market for it on E-Bay, at that point investigate your condition and change your advertising blend - or, did you break down your condition, discover an objective market, and afterward discover an item to showcase on E-Bay with a particular promoting blend? Clarify your technique. My methodology is by first checking the earth to which I plan to advertise my items. By examining nature, I distinguish the components that are probably going to influence advertising my prosperity (worldwide, innovative, social, financial impacts, for example, the accessibility of the item, request of the item, rivalry, innovation headway in
OBJECTIVE data collection of a patient who has Peripheral Vascular Coursework
Target information assortment of a patient who has Peripheral Vascular Disease - Coursework Example Thusly, this demonstrates she is at a higher danger of getting a fringe vascular related malady. Her condition of wellbeing was well until 9pm the night she answered to the clinic. She depicts that her torment started on her lower leg when she was moving her furniture in her front room. She took some torment executioners yet when the agony further continued, her better half chose to get her for a registration. She precluded any structure from claiming tipsiness, sickness, heaving and diaphoresis. On her physical assessment, her appearance is that of a marginally thin white lady lying on the bed with a sign of serious agony in her toes.She is whining of havingvery extreme leg cramps. In light of the suppositions of the side effects showed by the patient, analytic systems for fringe vascular maladies are completed. An angiogram is led on the veins and conduits so as to recognize any type of blockage of the vessels. The Doppler strategy is additionally directed in order to quantify the entrance of the progression of blood. The last test directed is that of the treadmill practice where by the patient is required to stroll on the treadmill so as to screen her heartbeat rate (Weber, Kelly and Sprengle, 2014). On review of the chest and lungs there means that bibasilar rales. The stomach moves marginally well during breath, percussion there are indications of bluntness and no rhonchi, rubs and wheezes. The x-beam produced additionally shows the results of the tobacco utilize that the patient is breathing in into her framework as bluntness is found in the chest district. On review of the heart and neck vessel, the cardiovascular assessment shows that there are no hives or excites. The beat is normal with an additional heartbeat. The typical s1/s2 is barely part. There is a positive s4 dash. 2/4 systolic infusion mumble is being heard at the left sternal fringe with no radiation. The beats can be noted for the sharp carotid upstrokes. The pneumonic vessel in
Friday, August 21, 2020
Counseling Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Directing Strategy - Essay Example Presentation The reason of the venture is to propose a favored away from to kill the enthusiastic difficulty of Bruce after he lost his significant other, Cindy and his little girl, Chelsea in a mishap in 2000. Bruce additionally had decreasing relationship concerning his family. The demonstration of vindicating her family's demise was consuming somewhere inside him that he even recruited Justin, an expert attorney, to assist him with managing the killer. Bruce had to realize that retribution was not the answer for his concern and that the arrangement was in a momentary methodology offered by this sort of directing. Arrangement based transient peaceful advising, BSPC line up with the goal of God by utilizing a progressively synergistic system (Kollar, 2011, p. 20-23).â With this the understudy guide unquestionably, will come to know a lot prior in their procedure of attempting to comprehend the issue immersing the life of the consideration searcher, that they are not, in any capaci ty distinct advantage. This strategy is a distinguishing proof of a methods which engages, in a synergistic, the migration, That is, a deliberate and cooperative method of making one move from where the person is to where they are assume to be through a heading which is all around characterized as far as objective. Rather than issue centered strategies that need additional time, the SBSPC approach oversees directing procedure all the more viably. It's additionally time-arranged with a normal of brief time range per meeting (Kollar, 2011, p. 25-28). SBSPC give a test to the understudy advisors that empower them to rethink existing standards just as to esteem each counselee like partner picture carrier. With this sort of reflection, it frequently develops the... From this paper plainly SBSPC give a test to the understudy advocates that empower them to reevaluate existing standards just as to esteem each counselee like partner picture carrier. With this sort of reflection, it frequently develops the most fundamental relational required abilities, for example, chivalrous, compassionate and valid, to mix with a counselee issue less bargaining elegance and truth. The second an issue is comprehended in a palatable way, objectives and arrangements will be cooperatively established.This conversation diagrams thatâ a plan to complete activities is locked in to move away just as exceed the issue and move into the future less the issue. This is reasonable and process that doesn't expect the counselee can move into acknowledgment of his objective alone. Promptly the way in to his answer is acknowledged, exertion is put to recognize just as secure accomplices to help counselee's forward advancement. The methodology in this undertaking moves each unders tudy advisor to work under the authority of God's assertion and in Holy Spirit's capacity and deliberately pursue the impersonation Jesus Christ and taking others the in the method of confidence and emulate their maker in a network lead by accountability. A arrangement focused methodology give more consideration to guiding so as to loot the counselee of his regard for the issues rather help the counselee to concentrate on the arrangement that prompts enthusiastic soundness just as mental prosperity.
Research Essay Topics For College
Research Essay Topics For CollegeWhile writing a research essay, it is important to remember that there are plenty of research essay topics for college. You should not limit yourself to writing about one particular field, as you may be quite surprised how well you will do if you jump right into one field. A good example is an economics research essay that tries to analyze and compare the performance of different countries' economies. While economics is definitely a topic that is quite popular, it is not the only topic that you can write about.Research essay topics for college often cover a wide variety of subjects, ranging from history to general interests. Some examples include the following: historical essay, fashion essay, travel essay, book review essay, cultural essay, or any other topic where you want to highlight a certain aspect of the world. Here are some examples of research essay topics for college.First, you have to decide on your primary interest. If you do not really ha ve any primary interest, it is highly likely that you will fall into one of the problems noted above. If this is the case, you have to first understand that there is no easy way out of this. Therefore, do not think that just by knowing your passion, you will be able to write a wonderful research essay for college.Once you know your primary interest, you will have to choose a topic for your research essay. This is where things get a little tricky. The problem is that there are literally hundreds of research topics for college. When doing research for a research essay, it is extremely crucial that you know which topic will suit your topic.If you are not sure how to choose a topic, here is how to start off: If you have an idea for a short essay, you can look at some online sources for research topics for college. The great thing about online sources is that they often provide a list of several topics that you can choose from. If you find a topic that seems suitable for your topic, the next step is to write down all the information that you have gathered on that topic.Finally, you will have to read. As you do not really have a background in the subject matter, you will have to take the time to read. Of course, you will need to make sure that you use your reading skills as well as apply your knowledge of the subject.Once you have chosen your topic, make sure that you spend as much time as possible on research. There is no point in spending a week researching on a subject if you do not spend the whole day on it. Take some time to work on the research before the deadline so that you do not miss anything.In conclusion, the first rule when choosing research essay topics for college is to be specific. In addition, you also need to understand what you want to achieve with your research and you must read. After all, you will be required to share your findings in the topic.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Wyndham Lewiss Tarr An Exploration of Humour - Literature Essay Samples
Tarr is a novel that describes reality as deplete of an inherent moral code, and Lewis articulates the world as hostile, set in direct opposition to the romantic, Rousseauvian vision of â€Å"wild nature and unspoilt man†. Within this world Lewis questions whether ‘the self’ is intrinsic or is built up of the external self we express to others; paradoxically he endorses and criticises the superficiality of the way we present ourselves to others. This questioning of identity is reflected within the genre of the novel itself, which vacillates between comedy and tragedy. Tarr has been described by T.S. Eliot as â€Å"terrifying†in its scrutiny of â€Å"modern civilisation†, and upon the surface the frequently violent developments in plot ranging from rape to suicide – are more appropriate to a tragedy. And yet the majority of the novel is written in a darkly comic, sardonic tone that would seem to undermine the seriousness of the events describ ed. Contrary to this apparent tone, Lewis’s own views on humour are conflicted, frequently he claims its effect to be that of a drug an opiate to null our grip on reality. The treatment of comedy as problematic, or even dangerous is nothing new – Plato argued that taking pleasure in comedy was abhorrent, claiming that â€Å"taken generally, the ridiculous is a certain kind of evil, specifically a vice†1. However, if we are to accept a world absent of morality, comedy takes a different form – by provoking the reader to laugh at subjects typically seen as immoral (rape, murder and suicide) crucially I will argue Lewis makes the reader complicit in, or rather submit to, this violent world. Within Tarr nature is presented as both hostile and valueless, nonetheless Lewis manages to maintain a comedic tone. This ruthless presentation of the natural world is evident both in outcomes of the plot (Bertha’s romanticizing causes a mental breakdown; Kriesler’s national pride results in manslaughter and suicide) but also in Tarr’s philosophizing and analysis of events in the beginning and latter stages of the novel. For example, in reaction to Anastaysia likening his world-view to that of Rousseau’s, he remarks â€Å"there is no more value in stupidity and formlessness than there is in dung, but they are necessary. The conditions of creation and of life disgust me. This disgust, but acknowledgement of the necessity of, the primal state of man – expressed through scatological vocabulary is reflected in Lewis’s involvement with Vorticism. In the avant-garde magazine Blast he proclaims â€Å"we want to leave Nature and Men alone†w ith the manifesto acting as â€Å"an avenue for all those vivid and violent ideas that could reach the Public in no other way†2. Within this world, in the words of critic Michael North â€Å"human beings actually are mechanical objects†3, indeed the language of man-made machinery pervades the text and is consistently blurred with the natural world: â€Å"Nature was not friendly to him; its metallic tints jarred†. Laughter and humour do not escape this automation, as North continues â€Å"it is the function of laughter, to expose their [human] pretentions to be otherwise [to be anything other than a â€Å"mechanical object†]†; to Lewis laughter and tragedy are intertwined, as in our laughter we delude ourselves into believing we are not machines, but simultaneously in the act of laughing we betray our own machinations. In regard to the relationship between this world to the artist, sex is highlighted as being in direct opposition to Art, with sensua lity possessing corrosive effects, as Tarr exclaims to Anastaysia â€Å"naked men and women are the worst art of all, because there are fewer semi-dead things about them†. This hostility towards sex, in reaction to the hostility of Nature itself, is prevalent in much of Lewis’s writing, including short story Cantleman’s Spring-mate. Here he describes the rape of country girl Stella by newly enlisted First World War serviceman Cantleman, and towards the end of the story, the female body becomes synonymous with the natural world: â€Å"nature tempted him towards her†4. As critic Alex Houen argues â€Å"Nature itself provokes the rape†¦ Cantleman’s actions show that he is incapable of forming any proper ethical understanding†5. This argument can be extended to Kriesler’s rape of Bertha in Tarr, and its deconstruction by the eponymous protagonist: â€Å"The nearest the general run get to art is Action: sex is there form of art: the battle for existence is their picture.†Kriesler, in part due to the displacement of his â€Å"art-instinct†with sex, attempts to fight against nature – or his â€Å"Destiny†(â€Å"Doomed, Evidently†, the chapter 2 title describes this destiny, and was originally intended to be the name of the novel 6) – with an act of sexual assault. Yet the rape itself is proceeded by the ridiculous: â€Å"your arms are like bananas†, and like Cantleman his attempts to emerge victorious with, or assign purpose to, nature crucially proves to be futile, resulting in his suicide. In the preface to the earlier 1918 American edition of Tarr, Lewis makes the claim that the title character â€Å"exalts Life into a Comedy, when otherwise it is, to his mind, a tawdry zone of half art, or a silly tragedy†. The authors idiosyncratic playfulness with capitalization – with the capitals of nationalities often dropped such as in â€Å"But he was mo re german than the Germans (p190) to mock the arbitrariness of national conventions – visually expresses concepts he regards as important. And in the case of the preface, these concepts are critical to the overall genre of the novel itself. While Lewis chooses to capitalize â€Å"Life†and â€Å"Comedy†he refuses to do the same for the genre of tragedy, confining it to the reductive adjective â€Å"silly†. At its heart, the world – filtered and assessed by Tarr is the makings of a tragedy that has been transfused by its protagonist and author into a satire. Fluctuations in genre are experienced most dramatically in the description of rape which quickly veers from the brutal depiction of Bertha (arguably the most sympathetic character in the novel) â€Å"convulsed upon her back, her mouth smeared with blood†to the comparison of her arms to bananas. The rape itself is obscured as â€Å"an iron curtain rushed down upon that tragedy†– the tone and narrative become fragmented, and through use of a theatrical metaphor Lewis consciously prevents the novel from becoming a â€Å"tragedy†– the machine-aged curtain closes the set-piece, subverting traditional storytelling. Tragedy and comedy have always been closely intertwined – both are â€Å"based on the violation of mental patterns and expectations, and in both the world is a tangle of conflicting systems where human live in the shadow of failure, folly and dead†7. And yet what distinguishes tragedy from comedy is that while the former asks i ts audience to hold an â€Å"emotional engagement with life’s problems†, the latter â€Å"embodies an anti-heroic, pragmatic attitude toward life’s incongruities†8. Yet the description of rape and Bertha’s own perspective, adopts elements from both camps in rapid succession, and Bertha’s subsequent perception of Kreisler aligns him with this fragmentation: â€Å"She saw side by side and unconnected, the silent figure engaged in drawing her bust and the other one full of violence †¦ four in all, that she could not for some reason bring together, each in a complete compartment of time of its own.†(167) Kreisler’s external self, split into four, acts as one of the most surreal images in the novel. While it can be interpreted psychologically, perhaps it can also be explained in terms of genre; just as Kreisler splits into multiple selves, the novel is split between its depiction of violence and its relation to tragedy and com edy. This tonal warfare is resumed in Bertha’s opening of the door to reveal Kriesler, which is compared to â€Å"the tearing of a characterless mask off a hideous and startling face†leaving Bertha in a motionless, â€Å"paralysed gesture†in between the emotional extremes of laughter and tears; externalizations of the comic and tragic elements of the novel. Ironically, in their static pose both characters – to an extent embody Tarr’s artistic ideals of which â€Å"deadness is the first condition for art†and â€Å"anything living, quick and changing is bad art†. While Bertha and Kriesler are alive, their rigidness and lack of movement alongside the description of Kriesler as ghostly or â€Å"an apparition from the remote Past, but from a Past almost a Present, a half-hour old, far more startling: the too raw and too new colours of an image hardly digested†blurs this supposedly rigid distinction between â€Å"Life†and â€Å"Art†. Both characters are caught in a vortex (â€Å"the chilly return of a circling storm†) – blurring the continuum between space and time, alongside the blurring of the tragic and comic. However, making light of a subject as morally abhorrent as rape to some critics is further evidence of Lewis’ explicit misogyny, a quality of his writing which Frederick James argues â€Å"no longer exists at the level of mere personal opinion, as is the case, for example, with the various attitudes and â€Å"ideas†of a Balzac or Faulkner†. Lewis’s depiction of women throughout Tarr is plagued with an apparent distain for them: â€Å"A complex image developed in his mind as he stood with her. He was remembering Schopenhauer †¦ A woman had at her centre a kernel, a sort of very substantial astral baby: this brat was apt to swell†(46). The infantilization of women as â€Å"astral baby†, alongside the appeal to Schopenhauer who in his essay On Women writes â€Å"women are qualified to be the nurses and governesses of our earliest childhood by the very fact they are themselves childish†9, is surely proof of Lewis’s rampant mi sogyny filtered into his fiction. Perhaps in conflict with this view – specifically in regard to Bertha’s rape critic Ann Ardis takes the position that the scene, due to its nontraditional presentation, forces the reader to leave behind their moral judgement. â€Å"Lewis also refrains from encouraging the reader to judge Kreisler’s actions on moral or ethical grounds†, she writes â€Å"to read this scene as a representation of violence against a woman is as â€Å"inane†10 as Bertha’s tears, because the morally centered, sequence-oriented reading strategies that work for classic realism (and that would fuel Bertha’s interpretation of Kreisler’s action as a violation of her personhood) simply do not obtain here.†Ardis provides a compelling, arguably controversial, case for her claim that Lewis encourages the reader to put aside their moral code. By avoiding â€Å"classic realism†in the sequence the reader cannot interpret the sequence in the same way that they would a classic realist text. This position can be extended to the discussion of humor; through use of comedy throughout the novel Lewis not only makes us morally impartial to the violence, but he also invites us to laugh at the nature of nature’s absurdity. Despite the fact Lewis may attempt to illicit this response upon the reader, his own views on comedy were riddled with ambivalence. In the first addition of Blast, humor is one of his targets for the firing squad: â€Å"BLAST HUMOUR Quack ENGLISH drug for stupidity and sleepiness. Arch enemy of REAL, conventionalizing like gunshot, freezing supple REAL in ferocious chemistry of laughter.†11 However, in the same edition Lewis suggests humor is acceptable as long as it is structured in the same way as tragedy and vice versa: â€Å"We only want Humour if it has fought like Tragedy. We only want to surface a laugh like a bomb.†12 This militaristic language, reminiscent of futurism (â€Å"We will glorify warâ€â€the world’s only hygieneâ€â€militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman.†13) likens the act of laughing to the explosion of a bomb. As critic Michael North points out B last itself was meant to be â€Å"a gust of satiric humor, aimed like a bomb at the heart of English complacency (†¦) But Blast also blast humour, and though it is possible to distinguish the kind of humour found among the targets of the manifesto from that used by the manifesto itself, these is still a residual sense of difficulty and contradiction†14. This sense of contradiction described by North pervades Tarr, as the titular character proclaims that humor â€Å"does paralyse the sense for Reality, people are rapt by their sense of humour in a phlegmatic and hysteric dream world†. And yet as established in the very prologue (albeit for the 1918 edition), Lewis makes Tarr’s comedic inclinations, as a way of dealing with a reality disposed to tragedy, clear. The concept that humor results in a disconnect from reality and ultimately a â€Å"dream world†solipsism, is reflected in Lewis’s article ‘The English Sense of Humour’. With in the piece, which again likens humor to a drug, he laments that â€Å"accustomed as he is to deadening and drugging everything with his Sense of Humour (lest he should suffer pain or shock by the contact of too crude a reality) in the end the Englishman ceases to respond at all to novel aggressions, or the increasingly unpleasant circumstances in which, historically, he is now liable to find himself†15. It could be argued that Lewis is guilty of committing upon the reader the act his very article describes. Indeed, by provoking us to accept and even laugh at the violent world of Tarr, we are forced – to refer back to Ardis – change our â€Å"reading strategies†16 and set aside our moral judgement. And yet by doing this we are forced to conform to Lewis’s worldview – namely that of a violent world devoid of morals. The result of this is that his own brand of humor, rather than entirely subverting what North describes as the â€Å"herdlike conformity†17 of contemporary comedy, has the effect of forcing the reader to submit to it.Ultimately, the paradoxical nature of Lewis’s opinions of comedy converge with the tenants of Vorticism, in that no single idea is given prominence, rather we are presented with a swirl of conflicting opinions reminiscent of his BLAST and BLESS dichotomy. Indeed, in the same edition of the magazine in which he blasts humor in general, he blesses â€Å"English Humour†claiming it to be the â€Å"great barbarous weapon†18. This is simultaneously in direct opposition to his later chastising of the subject in the Spectator article. The comedy of Tarr resembles this vortex, on the one hand the humor is subversive, reflecting Lewis’s view in Men Without Art of the purpose of satire to refer to â€Å"an â€Å"expressionist†universe, which is receding a little, a little drunken with an overdose of the ‘ridiculous’†19, and yet on the other h and through making us laugh at what should typically be tragic it forces us to conform to his hostile worldview. By the middle of the novel Lewis provokes us to laugh at Kriesler’s threats of suicide to his father (â€Å"If.. no money is sent, it being impossible to live without money, I shall on the seventh of July†¦ shoot myself) and Bertha’s mental and physical dishevelment (â€Å"She, too is german pastry, more homely than you though Homely’s the word†). Lewis also illustrates that recognizing the absurdity of the world in terms of a comedy offers little protection from said world. While Anastaysia and Tarr may hold a sense of self-superiority against Bertha, Kriesler and the â€Å"bourgeious bohemians, they are also condemned to a vicious cycle of sexuality illustrated by the novels end: â€Å"Tarr and Anastaysa did not marry†¦The cheerless and stodgy absurdity of Rose Fawcett required as compensation the painted, fine and enquiring fac e of Prism Dirkes.†The recognition of the absurdity of the machine-like nature of humanity does little to help one escape from being a machine themselves. And in finding this hostile natural funny the reader must accept that Lewis proves his own point, namely that our laughter forces us to withdraw our moral code resembling the world of Tarr itself. And crucially, this humour acts as an act of self-delusion, a tragic, mechanical trick in an attempt to convince ourselves we are not mechanical.Endnotes and Bibliography:1 Bury, Robert Gregg, ed. The Philebus of Plato. University Press, 1897. 2 Lewis, Wyndham. Blast. Vol. 1. Kraus Reprint Corp., 1914. 3 North, Michael. Machine-age comedy. Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, 2009. P1144 Lewis, Wyndham. Cantlemans Spring-mate. Little review, 1917. 5 Houen, Alex. Terrorism and modern literature: from Joseph Conrad to Ciaran Carson. OUP Oxford, 2002. P139 6 Lewis, Wyndham, and William K. Rose. The Letters of Wyndham Lewis. New Direction s Publishing Corporation, 1963 p223 7 Morreall, J. (2012). â€Å"Philosophy of Humor†The Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. URL: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/humor/ [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018].8 ibid9 Schopenhauer, Arthur. Essays of Schopenhauer. The Floating Press, 2010. P122 10 Ardis, Ann L. Modernism and Cultural Conflict, 1880–1922. Cambridge University Press, 2002. P10411 Lewis, Wyndham. Blast. Vol. 1. Kraus Reprint Corp., 1914. 12 Ibid 13 Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso. The founding and manifesto of futurism. Le figaro 51, no. 1 (1909). 14 North, Michael. Machine-age comedy. Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, 2009. P11615 Lewis, Wyndham â€Å"The English Sense of Humour, The Spectator, 15 June 1934 16 Ardis, Ann L. Modernism and Cultural Conflict, 1880–1922. Cambridge University Press, 2002. P10417 North, Michael. Machine-age comedy. Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, 2009. pp117-11818 Lewis, Wyndham. Blast. Vol. 1. Kraus Reprint Corp., 1914. 19 Lewis, Wynd ham. Men Without Art. Russell Russell, 1934.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Iwc1 Literature, Arts and Humanities Essay - 10028 Words
IWC1 Test 1.02 Module Pre-Test Question 1: Multiple Choice The historical revival of Classical culture began during the: a) Middle Ages b) Renaissance c) Baroque Era d) Romantic Era Feedback: The correct answer is b. The historical revival of Classical culture began during the Renaissance. Question 2: Multiple Choice Which of the following was a key feature of ancient Chinese humanism? a) An emphasis on theoretical philosophy. b) A subordination of intellectual life to religious faith. c) An elevation of intellectual life over religious faith. d) An establishment of a monastic upper class. Feedback: The correct answer is c. Chinese humanism elevated intellectual life over religious faith. Question 3: Multiple†¦show more content†¦Question 3: Multiple Choice Which of the following American poets helped establish jazz poetry? a) Robert Frost b) Rita Dove c) Maya Angelou d) Langston Hughes Feedback: The correct answer is d. Langston Hughes helped establish jazz poetry. Question 4: Multiple Choice Which of the following is a primary color? a) yellow b) green c) orange d) purple Feedback: The correct answer is a. Yellow is a primary color. Question 5: Multiple Choice A watercolor painting to which an opaque white has been added is called a ________________. a) fresco b) tempera c) gouache d) acrylic Feedback: The correct answer is c. A gouache is a watercolor painting to which an opaque white has been added. Question 6: Multiple Choice Which of the following artistic disciplines fostered Pictorialism? a) Painting b) Printmaking c) Photography d) Landscape Feedback: The correct answer is c. Photography fostered Pictoralism, a movement which used soft focus, special filters and other effects to attempt to match painting and printmaking. Question 7: Multiple Choice What is the exact duplication of elements (shapes, forms, etc) on either side of a central axis? a) Balance b) Symmetry c) Asymmetry d) Focal area Feedback: The correct answer is b. Symmetry is the exact duplication of elements (shapes, forms, etc) on either side of a (usually imaginary) straight-lined central axis. Question 8: Multiple Choice What is a type of kinetic
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